Barry Vassar, Author at Farmville


Trents Mill News: Christian Fellowship Association will meet next week

The Buckingham County Christian Fellowship Association, a non-profit organization, will hold their regular monthly meeting for members and prospective members on Saturday, March 11. The ... Read more

by Barry Vassar, Friday, March 3, 2023 7:34 am


The Word — ‘Grow where you are planted’

I  often find myself in circumstances where I may be “planted” for a short while. Sometimes we are “planted” at a particular job or in ... Read more

by Barry Vassar, Friday, April 8, 2022 4:10 pm


The Word — ‘All good things’

The say that “all good things must come to an end”, but the truth is that all things, whether good, bad, hurtful or joyful do ... Read more

by Barry Vassar, Thursday, March 10, 2022 3:05 pm


The Word — ‘Before all else fails’

Many folks, including myself at times, like to wait until the last minute to go to the “last ditch effort.” All else has failed, nothing ... Read more

by Barry Vassar, Sunday, February 13, 2022 9:00 am


‘It’s not wonderful for all, but it can be’

I find it ironic that we call the Christmas Season “the most wonderful time of the year.” As Christians we generally sign on to this ... Read more

by Barry Vassar, Thursday, December 16, 2021 5:09 pm


‘What are we offering up?’

As we approach Thanksgiving this year, the reality is that some tables may have been empty due to poverty. Some will be empty due to ... Read more

by Barry Vassar, Friday, November 19, 2021 4:00 pm


Some of us may need our ‘thorns’

The apostle Paul writes the following in 2nd Corinthians chapter 12 verses 7-10: “Therefore, in order to keep me from becoming conceited, I was given ... Read more

by Barry Vassar, Friday, October 22, 2021 6:00 am


‘Could’ve, would’ve, should’ve’

I have often heard the phrase (or some variation of the phrase), “If ifs and buts were candy and nuts, we’d all have a merry ... Read more

by Barry Vassar, Friday, September 24, 2021 6:00 am


Think before speaking

I find it interesting how personalities and circumstances collide at times. Sometimes when a person is faced with difficult, challenging, hostile or simply depressing circumstances, ... Read more

by Barry Vassar, Friday, August 27, 2021 6:00 am


Do you want to be right or be loved?

I have always struggled with the phrase, “do you want to be right, or do you want to be loved?” The simple message is, would ... Read more

by Barry Vassar, Friday, July 30, 2021 6:00 am


Leave a legacy of your walk with Christ

Many folks tend to think about their legacy, what they are leaving behind when they leave this world. Some focus on the material items or ... Read more

by Barry Vassar, Friday, June 4, 2021 6:00 am


Share life’s burden with Jesus

“Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, ... Read more

by Barry Vassar, Friday, March 12, 2021 6:00 am


Christ often took chances on the longshot

I don’t believe Christ was a gambler, but I do know He often bet on the longshots. Granted, serving God as His Son and our ... Read more

by Barry Vassar, Friday, February 12, 2021 6:00 am


We can choose to rebel or comply

This was written on Thursday, Jan. 7, on the heels of the uproar in Washington, D.C. the previous day. Our world is not evil. There ... Read more

by Barry Vassar, Friday, January 15, 2021 6:00 am


Christ can overcome the Grinches you may face

“Every Who down in Whoville liked Christmas a lot. But the Grinch who lived just north of Whoville did not. The Grinch hated Christmas. The ... Read more

by Barry Vassar, Friday, December 18, 2020 6:00 am


Give the world the best representation of Christ

I have heard parents say so often to their children, “You did this to yourself.” Likewise, another common variation is, “You brought this on yourself,” ... Read more

by Barry Vassar, Friday, November 20, 2020 6:00 am


Pray for the best for all

I shared this message via Facebook on Sunday, Oct. 18, but felt it was appropriate to share as a devotional this week as well. Instead ... Read more

by Barry Vassar, Friday, October 23, 2020 6:00 am


We should follow in Christ’s footsteps

“See what great love the Father has lavished on us, that we should be called children of God! And that is what we are! The ... Read more

by Barry Vassar, Friday, October 2, 2020 6:00 am


COLUMN — Our nation should return to God

There was a time just less than 20 years ago when our nation stood together as one people. Race, politics, religion, gender, sexuality were all ... Read more

by Barry Vassar, Friday, September 11, 2020 6:00 am


Trust God with all your problems

I recently went to the beach. I loved the waves crashing against me as I tried to stand firm. I loved the wind hitting me ... Read more

by Barry Vassar, Friday, August 14, 2020 6:00 am


Find Christ, but don’t lose yourself

Think about some of the codes or edicts you live by. Think about the standards you conform to and ask yourself “do they define who ... Read more

by Barry Vassar, Friday, July 17, 2020 6:00 am


Only God can judge a person’s heart

I had a coworker once who asked me about a decision that we had made regarding a difficult situation. They asked, “Did we do the ... Read more

by Barry Vassar, Friday, June 19, 2020 6:00 am


When we gather, let it be with a renewed purpose

Memorial Day and Memorial Day weekend would seem to go hand in hand, yet they are two different events. Memorial Day is a day set ... Read more

by Barry Vassar, Friday, May 22, 2020 6:00 am


A setback is a setup for a reset

God reset the world after the great flood. God reset the Jewish people after bringing them out of captivity. God reset the face of religion ... Read more

by Barry Vassar, Friday, April 24, 2020 6:00 am


Are you prepared or trying to stock up?

At the time of this writing (March 20, 2020), groceries stores are running or have ran out of toilet paper, hand sanitizer, hand soap and ... Read more

by Barry Vassar, Friday, March 27, 2020 6:00 am


Christ set us free from the law of sin and death

A church member whom I respect brought to my attention an aspect of the Christian life that many people struggle with. Though we are called ... Read more

by Barry Vassar, Thursday, February 20, 2020 11:49 am


The Word

Death comes to everybody. That’s your attention getter. But let’s take it a step further. Death is unpredictable, but certain. It doesn’t discriminate, care about ... Read more

by Barry Vassar, Thursday, January 23, 2020 11:10 am

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