Are you like a sheep without a shepherd?

Numerous times in scripture we are compared with sheep.

Isaiah the prophet, say’s “All of us like sheep have gone astray, Each of us has turned to his own way; But the Lord has caused the iniquity of us all to fall on Him” Is. 53:6.

While fires and riots ripple across our land, and blame is always placed on someone else, I am searching my own heart and find the same tendency towards rebellion and pride. The words all and each of us in this scripture speak directly to every one of us.

Much of our country today is in chaos. So much accusation against one another. One wrong motivates invitation for another crime, add some political fuel, and we see the true condition of the heart exposed on the world stage. This great country has been tested in many ways in our short history. We survived the Civil War which took nearly 500,000 lives, all fellow Americans. Many of our great revivals followed times of political unrest, can we trust God together for another awakening?

The Jesus movement revival of the 60s and 70s was born after Vietnam and the rebellion of the hippy movement. Revivals come at a cost, death to self and surrender to Jesus Christ. Are we willing to die to self as our Lord did? Are we willing to repent of our own sin and recognize our own fallen condition rather than blame others? May the kindness of God lead us to repentance. May we humble ourselves before the creator of the universe and submit to His Lordship? May we receive of God’s grace and forgiveness?

In Matthew 9, as Jesus entered the village of Capernaum, He saw a desperate scene familiar to us. A paralytic cry, a daughter dies, a demon possessed man was unable to speak, disease and sickness were spreading throughout the cities and villages. Verse 36 tells that Jesus had compassion on them because they were “distressed and downcast like sheep without a shepherd.”

Jesus said to His disciples, “The harvest is plentiful, but the workers are few.”

In our world today, when the workers are few, they become very valuable. If you desire a life full of purpose and meaning, rich in value, give up your life for Jesus’ sake. It involves a cost, but the payment has already been made on your behalf. The Good Shepherd has already paid it and is leading us to green pasture and quiet streams. Give up your selfish life and join me as I follow Jesus Christ the Shepherd.

See you in the pasture.

MARV FISHER is the pastor at Calvary Chapel Farmville and can be heard weekdays at 1:30 PM on 105.3 Equip FM radio. He can be reached at



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