ACP permit, analysis released
A draft of a permit from the Virginia Department of Environmental Quality’s (VDEQ) State Air Pollution Control Board and an engineering analysis for the proposed Atlantic Coast Pipeline (ACP) compressor station in Buckingham were released by the VDEQ.
The VDEQ is seeking public comment on the permit and the analysis. The public comment period will take place from Aug. 8 to Sept. 11.
VDEQ cited in a public notice that it accepts comments by hand-delivery, email, fax or postal mail. All comments and requests must be in writing and be received by DEQ during the comment period. The comments must include the names, mailing addresses and telephone numbers of the commenter/requester and of all persons represented by the commenter/requester.
Ann Regn, the VDEQ contact for the permit, can be reached at (804) 698-4442; Piedmont Regional Office, RE: Buckingham Compressor Station, 4949-A Cox Road, Glen Allen, VA 23060; and by fax at (804) 527-5106.
An information briefing will take place at the Buckingham County Administration Building at 13380 W. James Anderson Highway on Aug. 16 from 6-8 p.m.
The public comment period will wrap up with an in-person hearing Sept. 11 at Buckingham County Middle School from 5-9:30 p.m., or until all public comment has been received, according to the notice.
The draft permit, addressed to Leslie Hartz with ACP from James E. Kyle, P.E. Air Permits Manager with VDEQ, noted that the compressor station would have certain emissions that would need to comply with federal and state regulations.
The permit included 51 requirements for the compressor station, including that the operations practice proper emission controls, that equipment be installed with the proper monitoring devices, that the appropriate fuel be used and regulated, that the emissions fall within the necessary limits and be properly tested and evaluated.
Other requirements include proper record keeping and reporting, including reporting of malfunction, and proper initial notification to the VDEQ’s Piedmont Regional Office when the compressor station begins construction.
The engineering analysis included additional details about the compressor station and its projected emission rates.
To view the permit draft and analysis in full, visit