Letters to the Editor

Fresh Boyz Club did great work

Dear Editor: Farmville and the surrounding areas are caring communities. This is evidenced by the recent efforts and ...


Dispatcher of the Year

Farmville Emergency Communications Dispatcher Michael Driskill has been chosen as this year’s Telecommunicator of the Year. According to ...


Falling down the rabbit hole

If I’m not working, sleeping, cooking or dancing, chances are I’m watching videos on YouTube. The video-sharing platform ...


Hate the statue? Why move here?

Dear Editor: To all the history revisionists who would tear down statues in an effort to ignore and ...


Many protections for LGBT citizens approved

I hope everyone had a beautiful weekend remembering the crucifixion, death, burial of Christ and of course, celebrating ...


Can we appreciate one another’s heritage?

Dear Editor: Sometimes the truth requires an honorable stand. Local citizens, Virginia residents, historians, and other good people ...


Firearms, elections and coronavirus updates

Gov. Ralph Northam has signed several bills in the past 72 hours, including legislation on voting, energy, firearms ...


Do not remove statue

Dear Editor, We are very opposed to the removal of our confederate statue. We view the statue as ...


A breakdown of the redistricting debate

This week, Gov. Ralph Northam proposed moving town and city elections to the Nov. 3 general election and ...


PECPS takes care of families

Prince Edward County Public Schools partnered with both the Longwood Center for Visual Arts (LCVA) and the Virginia ...


What happens when we get out of quarantine?

As we begin to see a glimmer of light at the end of the dark tunnel of this ...


Don’t like the statue? Then leave

Dear Editor: I have been amazed that the statue on High Street is an issue. I cannot understand ...


Speaker plans to reconvene House outdoors April 22

Virginia continues to deal with the COVID-19 outbreak as best we can. Gov. Ralph Northam has closed beaches, ...


Emotions ran high on statue issue

For some, legislation that would permit local government to remove monuments was an emotional issue. Under the final ...


A healthy debate is good

Dear Editor: As a fan of a spirited debate, I was overjoyed to be called a fool by ...


We are moving forward

Dear Editor: Have you ever tied a string around your finger so you would not forget something? This ...


We are all in this together

This is a time of great concern for so many of us. As we monitor the COVID-19 pandemic ...


Faithful care for the elderly

There has perhaps never been a more appropriate time to praise area assisted living facilities, long-term care centers ...


Cheers to Bob Flippen

Dear Editor: Cheers to Bob Flippen for the article about Farmville’s Confederate monument. As a historian he shows ...


Where did the toilet paper go?

Dear Editor: Where is all the toilet paper? Paper makers claim they haven’t slowed production, and stores don’t ...


A word from Proverbs

Dear Editor: As I was preparing to respond to Tom Noehren and James Peca’s letters on February 28 ...


Statue serves as a reminder

Dear Editor: Many people are writing about the statue in front of the Methodist Church. Let that statue ...


Just like bluebells, we will bloom again

Mertensia virginica, commonly known as Virginia bluebells, are always a welcome sight for my family. We wait all ...


Remove all the statues

Dear Editor: I have the perfect solution to the statue issue. To please everyone, remove all statues, monuments, plaques ...


Details of CARES Act explained

Virginia continues to deal with the COVID-19 outbreak as best we can. But the toll is impossible to ...


We are all on Team Virginia

Dear Editor: On behalf of the Virginia High School League (VHSL), I want to thank you for your ...


Moving the statue would be sad

Dear Editor: On walks down High Street to town, we passed it, and mother explained he was the ...

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