ice cream ice cream for a penny


Mike Wilson: Ice cream hacks from a Baptist church upbringing

Yes, it is incredibly warm outside. Some might even call it hot. As the thermometer creeps up toward ...



Mike Wilson: It all started with a Hampden-Sydney lecture

It started like all good stories do, with some truth mixed in. This time around, it involves my ...

Father's Day


Mike Wilson: A Father’s Day note. That’s where the cars came from

We’ve reached that time of the year where Father’s Day is here. In honor of the holiday, I ...

Letter to the editor Cumberland supervisors Brickyard Bulls 10th District


Letter to the Editor: Judging between Good and McGuire

Years ago, I read a book to my children entitled “A Peep Behind the Scenes,” written by a ...

Letter to the Editor Buckingham supervisors Confederate


Letter to the Editor: Here’s why I support McGuire

Dear Editor,  I don’t normally write to the paper, however I am making an exception. I want to ...


Tommy Wright: One thing was removed from the budget

The budget signed into law by the Governor last week isn’t one that a Republican-led House would have ...


Letter to the Editor: This isn’t going to be fun

Dear Editor,  Let’s get ready to rumble! President Joe Biden, 81, and former President Donald Trump, 77, have ...

Buggy Top


Way to Go! Supporting first responders

Recently Danielle and David Bappert, owners of Buggy Top in Cumberland, donated a 10 x 16 shed to ...

Memorial Day


Publisher’s Notebook: Honor and remember our fallen heroes

Memorial Day is a day of remembrance for those who died in the service of the United States ...

Dunnington Mansion


Letter to the Editor: We need to save Dunnington Mansion

Dear Editor, I read with interest your recent article on the possible negotiation to save the Dunnington Mansion. ...

Letter to the editor Cumberland supervisors Brickyard Bulls 10th District


Letter to the Editor: Please consider fostering

Dear Editor,  The month of May is National Foster Care Awareness Month. However, children in foster care, especially ...



Mike Wilson: Some have an Olympic dream. I have a nightmare

We’re less than two months away from the 2024 Summer Olympic Games, this time held in Paris. Do ...



Brian Vincent: Make Farmville the model. Make decency viral.

“There are two things we can all support, two things that always draw bi-partisan congressional support – the ...

Nurses Honor Guard


Way to Go: Nurses Honor Guard

During Nurses Week, Centra Southside Community Hospital made plans to start a Nurses Honor Guard which pays tribute ...

parking fine parking fines Farmville parking fines


From the Editor’s Desk: We can’t just ignore a parking fine problem

There has to be a balance. We can’t just ignore a problem, but the response can’t be so ...

build bridges


Townsend: 70 years later, its critical we continue to build bridges

May 17, 2024 is the 70th anniversary of the Brown v. Board of Education landmark United States Supreme ...

Lab professionals


Centra lab professionals celebrated

Medical Laboratory Professionals Week is celebrated every year, April 14 – 20, to honor and appreciate the valuable ...

Prince Edward schools Buckingham absence numbers superintendent

Farmville the Magazine

Anthony Anderson: As we see progress, we will continue the march

Like many students at Longwood University, I have immersed myself in the campus culture. I strive to live ...

pick up trash garbage truck landfill landfill host agreement


Mike Wilson: Is it a garbage truck or a ‘mighty machine’?

Sorry, this is not about the Yugo or the Gremlin or the Corvair (my first car), but is ...

Amy Nardini


Amy Nardini: We need to step up to help Madeline’s House

Sarah Mitchell had a question. She wanted to know what resources were available to victims of domestic violence ...

free money fairy


From The Editor’s Desk: I have yet to meet the free money fairy

I have yet to meet the free money fairy. I’m told that much like Santa Claus, all it ...

Joining forces


Way To Go: Joining forces to better the community

Just in time for spring, four recently completed Piedmont Habitat for Humanity homes in the area have new ...

Prince Edward School Board Buckingham Cumberland


From the Editor’s Desk: There’s no quick fix button on this

Some problems don’t have an immediate fix. You can’t just press a button and hit reset. Instead, it ...


Letter to the Editor: Let’s work together for safety

Dear Editor,  Construction season is underway. Our goal is always to be good stewards of public tax dollars ...

Way to Go!


Making an impression

Cumberland Elementary has plenty to be especially proud of this week. On Tuesday Emily Overstreet was named Regional ...

High Bridge solar solar control Old Ridge Road solar


Letter to the Editor: Support solar energy initiatives for change

I read with sadness about the loss of the Old Ridge Road Solar Project without even an opportunity ...

Letter to the Editor Buckingham supervisors Confederate


Letter to the Editor: Virginia needs to re-join RGGI

Dear Editor,  I’m writing in support of Virginia’s reentry into the Regional Greenhouse Gas Initiative (RGGI). Last summer, ...

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