Latest Letters to the Editor

Farmville fence ordinance Farmville council fences politicians


Letter to the Editor: Politicians, don’t forget why you’re there

I want to thank someone who does not live in my community and whose decision has no impact ...

Piney Grove Solar Energix CEP Solar solar ban massive solar project


Letter to the Editor: solar should be a local decision

I agree with Del. Tommy Wright that solar farm decisions should be left up to local governments. By ...

Letter to the Editor Buckingham supervisors Cumberland FFA foster


Letter to the Editor: These people are so out of touch

So now the state government wants to overstep its powers by dictating to each county what it can ...

Prince Edward Brickyard Bulls 10th District Letter to the Editor


Letter to the Editor: Is any of this really necessary?

I’m having a hard time wrapping my head around what exactly the Democrats in Richmond are thinking. Having ...

Mountain Pine Solar New Leaf Solar Hecate Solar solar takeover


Letter to the Editor: Is a solar takeover really needed in Virginia?

I’m having a hard time wrapping my head around what exactly the Democrats in Richmond are thinking. Having ...

Cumberland landfill host agreement CCLA


Letter to the Editor: We need to stop the proposed landfill

It’s not a done deal as Cumberland County just received a second conditional use permit application for the ...

Farmville fence ordinance Farmville council fences politicians


Letter to the Editor: I appreciate what Amos did about fences

On Wednesday, January 15, I looked up from my copy of the Herald. It seemed the sun shone ...

Rosney Creek Solar Gabriel Solar solar bill data centers


Tommy Wright: I stand with local government. Solar is their choice.

Both a subcommittee and the full Commission on Electric Utility Regulation heard recommendations from staff at their meetings ...

Rosney Creek Solar Gabriel Solar solar bill data centers


Letter to the Editor: Data centers at the heart of solar push

HB 2068 by Tom Garrett, ensuring that county government would continue to have the land use decision right ...

Letter to the Editor Buckingham supervisors Cumberland FFA foster


Letter to the Editor: When will Kinex be finished?

How much longer do some people in Cumberland County have to wait, before Kinex Telecom finally gets the ...

High Bridge solar solar control Old Ridge Road solar


Letter to The Editor: Why does the Assembly want control of solar?

According to The Herald, some of our senators are pushing ahead to try and take the decision regarding ...

Letter to the Editor Buckingham supervisors Cumberland FFA foster


Letter to The Editor: We need more foster families in Farmville

I’ll never forget our first foster care placement, a sibling set in need of an emergency placement. After ...

Green Ridge Cumberland County landfill


Letter to The Editor: The solar bill makes me think of a landfill

I admit, I wasn’t even thinking about solar when reading your editorial. I was and still am thinking ...

Letter to the Editor Buckingham supervisors Cumberland FFA foster


Letter to the Editor: We need more people to foster children

I am writing on behalf of UMFS. I would love the opportunity to share with the community my ...

Prince Edward Brickyard Bulls 10th District Letter to the Editor


Letter to the Editor: Why I’m voting for Jack Trammell

 We have an upcoming special election on January 7th to fill the 10th District Virginia Senate seat formerly ...

Green Ridge Cumberland County landfill


Letter to the Editor: An open letter to Cumberland supervisors

It is my understanding that the Cumberland supervisors don’t allow folks from outside the county to speak during ...

Prince Edward Brickyard Bulls 10th District Letter to the Editor


Letter to the Editor: We need more in Cumberland

Cumberland, Virginia. It is a complex issue for me to grasp the inactivity of the county. I know ...

Letter to the Editor Buckingham supervisors Cumberland FFA foster


Letter to the Editor: This Confederate case could be a long one

The Confederate Battle Flag has a “newer” use that goes beyond its original use as a Civil War ...

Letter to the Editor Buckingham supervisors Cumberland FFA foster


Letter to the Editor: Some history of Venable Hall

I was pleased to read about the renovation of Venable Hall at Hampden-Sydney College. I hope your readers ...

Prince Edward Brickyard Bulls 10th District Letter to the Editor


Letter to the Editor: Fix the system at the source

Dear Editor, State Senator Tammy Mulchi (Senate District 9) misleads her constituents and your newspaper readers by saying ...


Letter to the Editor: Our president is a lame duck

Dear Editor, To my observation and opinion, what has unfolded in politics since this past July has exceeded ...


Letter to the Editor: I want a presidency, not a dictatorship

Dear Editor, The lies and hostilities are now the norm, and they are being perpetuated by the Far ...


Letter to the Editor: A political process isn’t all that’s needed

Dear Editor, In response to the letter to the editor in support of Gloria Witt: Reading about Ms. ...


Letter to the Editor: Time to look closer to home

Dear Editor, I believe maybe some people should just move up to D.C. and stay there, since it ...

Letter to the Editor Buckingham supervisors Cumberland FFA foster


Letter to the Editor: No, fences shouldn’t require permits

Dear Editor,  An article in the October 11 edition asked; “Should fences require a permit?” The answer is ...

Letter to the Editor Buckingham supervisors Cumberland FFA foster


Letter to the Editor: Why I support Gloria Witt

I’ve rarely come across a political candidate whose background and experience so closely mirrors the personal life journeys ...

Farmville Splashpad

Opinion Main

Letter to the Editor: Let’s build in Farmville, not tear down

I know most of these letters are from folks up in arms about something. I’ve been guilty of ...

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