free money fairy


From The Editor’s Desk: I have yet to meet the free money fairy

I have yet to meet the free money fairy. I’m told that much like Santa Claus, all it ...

Max Sangillo


Max Sangillo nets his first Top Five finish after Tuesday decision

Max Sangillo is only in his second season racing in the Hornets Division at South Boston Speedway. And ...

STEPS Israel Hill right plant


When will Madeline’s House reopen? STEPS officials offer answer

It’s something STEPS employees get asked on a fairly constant basis. When will Madeline’s House reopen? Right now, ...

Buckingham County Cumberland supervisors Buckingham County audit economic


Buckingham supervisors, school board at odds over budget

Buckingham County supervisors said they were confused. On four occasions over the past year, school district officials came ...

Prince Edward County Cumberland County affordable housing


‘Are we in a good spot?” Prince Edward supervisors go over budget

Prince Edward County is being asked to pay more. If you just took that sentence alone, you could ...

Green Ridge landfill


Green Ridge landfill project moves forward in Cumberland

The Green Ridge landfill project is a couple steps closer to going active. That’s how officials involved with ...

Election Day Election Security democracy


Buckingham Republican Committee restored, as appeal continues

The Buckingham Republican Committee is back from the dead. Just a couple weeks after 5th District Republicans voted ...

Prince Edward School Board Buckingham Cumberland


From the Editor’s Desk: There’s no quick fix button on this

Some problems don’t have an immediate fix. You can’t just press a button and hit reset. Instead, it ...

Prince Edward supervisors County sales tax bill tourism revenue


Prince Edward supervisors look to keep tax rate steady

The good news starts early and keeps going in Prince Edward County’s proposed budget. Overall revenue is up ...

Prince Edward County tax bills tax debt tax rate tax relief


Tax rate may drop in Cumberland, but bills will still climb

The number on the real estate tax rate may look lower, but the bill itself won’t be. Due ...

Emily Overstreet


Emily Overstreet honored, named Regional Teacher of the Year

“How many of you really like Mrs. Overstreet?” asked Lisa Coons. Reading to a group of students at ...

Solar Eclipse


Solar eclipse makes its mark across region

A total solar eclipse is a rare thing and one that all of Central and Southside Virginia got ...

Oliver Anthony


Oliver Anthony released new ‘Hymnal’ with Easter record

He meant to tell a story. That’s how Chris Lunsford, or Oliver Anthony as he’s better known, sees ...

Pine Grove Project


Pine Grove premiere set for Friday night at Moton

Pine Grove is more than just a school. That’s something everyone involved in the project agrees on. Now ...

Prince Edward radio plan Cumberland County radio system Buckingham County


Cumberland supervisors sign off on radio plan, turn to State Police

The radio problems Cumberland County departments are dealing with should be fixed within a few months. By a ...

Prince Edward students Hampden District Virginia Teacher of the Year


Questions answered at Hampden District town hall meeting

They talked about roads, education and sales tax Thursday night, with some other questions tossed in for good ...

Hampden-Sydney Track spring track Arvonia


Arvonia native sets new school record for Hampden-Sydney

Arvonia native Haden VonCanon was one of two Hampden-Sydney runners to set school records, as the Tigers competed ...

Cumberland County Elementary


District picks successor for Gills at Cumberland County Elementary

Now we know who the next principal at Cumberland County Elementary will be. And it’s someone very familiar ...

Mayor Brian Vincent


What will Farmville town budget look like? Council hears proposal

The town of Farmville is in a good place financially. That was the message Town Manager Dr. Scott ...

Virginia Gills


‘It has been a privilege’: Virginia Gills announces retirement plans

It’s almost time to say goodbye. That was the message delivered on Wednesday, March 27, as Virginia Gills ...

Amare Gough


Amare Gough takes two: Buckingham sophomore wins state titles

Buckingham County High sophomore Amare Gough has only scratched the surface of his potential, yet is picking up ...

Pamplin shooting drive-by shooting Meherrin


News Briefs: Pamplin shooting case ongoing, worm moon appears

No one was injured but there was plenty of damage done Sunday afternoon after a Pamplin shooting. Prince ...

Severe storms Weather Service Buckingham


Weekend forecast, threat of storms causes postponements

The weekend forecast doesn’t look great for Saturday. On the one hand, there won’t be any concern about ...

Walyn Napper Longwood seniors Longwood Lancers


For Longwood Lancers, different roads all lead to Memphis

They took pictures with students, hi-fived professors and police on Wednesday morning. Members of the Longwood Lancers then ...

Prince Edward County


Prince Edward County student becomes Disney Dreamer

Ella Estes is going to Disney this spring. Now as exciting as that sounds, the Prince Edward County ...

Monroe Church Road Mil Scott Road Route 15


Work continues on Cartersville roundabout, with end date set

As work continues on the planned Cartersville roundabout, we have more of an idea about when the project ...

Longwood seniors


‘I know what we can do’: Longwood seniors ready for NCAA spot

Friday’s competition is about more than a game for the quartet of Longwood seniors. For some, it’s a ...

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