Tropical Storm Debby


Tropical Storm Debby shifts position: Closings & updated forecast

As of 6:15 a.m. Thursday, the first rainfall courtesy of Tropical Storm Debby reached Farmville. Rain showers started ...

Tropical Storm Debby


Tropical Storm Debby keeps moving. Here’s when it’ll hit Farmville.

When will it hit? That’s the big question surrounding Tropical Storm Debby, as we’re expected to get some ...

Buckingham Knights Hampden-Sydney baseball Tigers


Herald News Briefs: Buckingham native moves to baseball’s High-A

It took a bit longer than planned for Marc Davis to get rolling with his professional baseball career. ...

cell service toll scam 'phone-free' cell phone-free education Dominion Energy


Should schools be cell phone-free? It’s not that easy, officials warn

Once the cell phones were put up, students started learning again. That was the lesson handed out Monday, ...

sales tax bill tax-free weekend


Virginia’s tax-free weekend has arrived. Here’s what qualifies.

It’s that time of year again. As we get ready for schools to reopen, parents catch a break ...

Bob Good 5th District Amanda Chase 5th District recount 10th District State Senate


5th District recount wrapped up Thursday. Here’s the results.

Things didn’t change that much. After Thursday’s 5th District recount, Virginia State Sen. John McGuire won the Republican ...

Piedmont Habitat


No, Piedmont Habitat isn’t closing. Here’s what’s changing.

No, Piedmont Habitat for Humanity isn’t closing. It’ll still be operating in Farmville beyond August. The same goes ...

Cumberland County broadband broadband expansion


Firefly Fiber gets help for broadband expansion in Buckingham

More areas of Buckingham County will soon be connected to high-speed internet, thanks to some state help. On ...


Students across region helped by grant

Students here in Prince Edward, along with Buckingham and Cumberland counties, will get some help from a U.S. ...

District 9 9th District early voting 5th District recount


5th District Recount Request: Good’s campaign gets legal answer

Before Bob Good uses campaign donations to fund the 5th District recount this week, he has to ask ...

Mountain Pine Solar Pineside Solar North Branch Solar Assembly solar bill


What’s the status of Pineside Solar? Dominion offers update

What’s the status of the proposed Pineside solar project here in Buckingham County? That’s one of several questions ...

turn off phones Kinex Telecom cell phone-free


Kinex Telecom users targeted by email scam

If you get an email that seems to be from Kinex Telecom, take a second look before clicking ...

Bob Good 5th District Amanda Chase 5th District recount 10th District State Senate


5th District Republican primary recount set. Good asks for funds.

Yes, there will be a recount in the Congressional 5th District Republican primary. And it’ll take place within ...

Farmville affordable housing ARPA funds Buckingham tap fees


ARPA funds will pay for repair, renovation projects in Buckingham

What will the rest of Buckingham County’s American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) funds be spent on? Supervisors answered ...

Buckingham County Centra Southside Orthopedic EMS


Centra Southside, DMV among those hit by CrowdStrike glitch

If you have a procedure or appointment scheduled today at Centra Southside Hospital, you need to call and ...

Buckingham FFA


Buckingham High FFA competes at 98th State Convention

Buckingham County High’s Future Farmers of America recently competed at the 98th annual Virginia FFA State Convention. That ...


Dr. Bashore retires from CVHS

After nearly 40 years of service, the clinical director of Central Virginia Health Services (CVHS) has retired. Dr. ...


Duck Derby date set

Splash into service with Piedmont Senior Resources’ 2024 Duck Derby on Friday, September 13, at 6 p.m. at ...

Herald Community Calendar


Herald Community Calendar for the week of July 19, 2024

The Herald Church and Community Events calendar is published each Friday. Items must be submitted by 10 a.m. ...

Buckingham Senior FFA


Senior FFA members participate in leadership camp

Members of the Buckingham Senior FFA Chapter participated in the FFA Leadership Camp held at Graves Mountain Lodge ...

Cartersville Route 60 speed study


Work continues on Route 60 intersection in Buckingham

Does the intersection of Route 60 and Route 632 need a caution light? Buckingham County Supervisor Cameron Gilliam ...

cell service toll scam 'phone-free' cell phone-free education Dominion Energy


How will EO33 affect our schools? A look at ‘phone-free’ order

On Tuesday, July 9, Virginia Gov. Glenn Youngkin issued Executive Order 33, looking to guarantee a “cell phone-free ...

Darlington Heights firefighters


A special delivery: Darlington Heights firefighters bring back flag

It started as a routine call. But by the end of the day on Sunday, July 7, several ...

Grateful Boomers


A slate belt story: Grateful Boomers head to Buckingham Slate

It’s time for another story of the Grateful Boomers and for this time around, let’s talk micro-adventures right ...

Vacation Bible School


Vacation Bible School pops up: Calendar for the week of June 28

As we continue on through the month of July, a number of church events start popping up on ...



‘Shireton’ plagued by traffic concerns. Supervisors make decision

One of the consistent issues for the proposed “Shireton” events center in Buckingham County has been traffic. Neighbors ...

Prince Edward County Buckingham County Gene Dixon Park


Buckingham supervisors give Petersheim duplex a hearing

Ivan Petersheim will get the discussion he’s been asking for. During their Monday, July 8 meeting, Buckingham County ...

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