
Public Schools

Buckingham Schools excel, district honored for testing growth

The results showed what Virginia officials expected. Over the last week, the National Center for Education Statistics released ...

Prince Edward County Cumberland County sales tax property values tax rate


Sales tax increase possible this year? Bill passes Virginia Senate

It’s a similar situation to the one we encountered last year, when it comes to the General Assembly. ...

High Bridge solar solar control Old Ridge Road solar


Solar projects raise concerns about fire

In virtually every solar hearing, in Buckingham, Prince Edward and in neighboring counties, there’s one question asked. And ...

Longwood women Herald Community Calendar


Herald Community Calendar for the week of Jan. 31, 2025

The Herald community calendar is published each Friday. Items must be submitted by 10 a.m. Monday for that ...

Rosney Creek Solar Gabriel Solar solar bill Prince Edward


Buckingham commission says state solar bill not needed

The members of the Buckingham County Planning Commission believe solar decisions should be made by county officials, not ...

Cumberland Cumberland County Buckingham sales tax increase federal funding freeze


Federal funding freeze halted by new memo, nonprofits get reprieve

UPDATE: Well, that didn’t take long. There’s no more federal funding freeze. The Office of Management and Budget ...

stabbing Kingsville robbery Prince Edward drug investigation Buckingham County search warrants


Buckingham County search warrants lead to drug, gun bust

The Buckingham County Sheriff’s Office was busy at the end of last week, coordinating a two-day operation. Multiple ...

Buckingham Schools Prince Edward schools Buckingham County High

Public Schools

Buckingham County High struggles with absences

Parents and students aren’t listening until it’s often too late. That’s the issue Buckingham County High faculty and ...

prince edward school board Buckingham school board Central Virginia Christian School


Buckingham school board defines superintendent’s qualifications

Over the last three weeks, 128 people told the Buckingham County School Board what they wanted to see ...

Piney Grove Solar Energix CEP Solar solar ban solar bills


Letter to the Editor: solar should be a local decision

I agree with Del. Tommy Wright that solar farm decisions should be left up to local governments. By ...

Mountain Pine Solar New Leaf Solar Hecate Solar solar takeover


Letter to the Editor: Is a solar takeover really needed in Virginia?

I’m having a hard time wrapping my head around what exactly the Democrats in Richmond are thinking. Having ...

Mountain Pine Solar Pineside Solar North Branch Solar Assembly solar bill


Solar bill would put counties on clock with 2026 deadline for work

If HB2126 passes in the Virginia Assembly this session, Buckingham, Cumberland and all other Virginia counties would then ...

Prince Edward Brickyard Bulls 10th District Letter to the Editor


Buckingham supervisors sign off on Brickyard Bulls project

Shane and Stephanie Marshall have their conditional use permit. By a unanimous vote, with no opposition from the ...

Rosney Creek Solar Gabriel Solar solar bill Prince Edward


Tommy Wright: I stand with local government. Solar is their choice.

Both a subcommittee and the full Commission on Electric Utility Regulation heard recommendations from staff at their meetings ...

Rosney Creek Solar Gabriel Solar solar bill Prince Edward


Letter to the Editor: Data centers at the heart of solar push

HB 2068 by Tom Garrett, ensuring that county government would continue to have the land use decision right ...

Shelton Store


Shelton Store project goes to hearing in Buckingham

The project is moving forward. By unanimous decision, the Buckingham supervisors agreed to hold a public hearing next ...

Herald Community Calendar March


Herald Community Calendar for the week of Jan. 18, 2025

The Herald community calendar is published each weekend. Items must be submitted by 10 a.m. Monday for that ...

industrial park


Industrial park hearing set. Buckingham residents asked to weigh in

What do Buckingham County residents want to see happen with the industrial park near Dillwyn? That’s been a ...

Buckingham supervisors


Buckingham supervisors suspend by-laws to elect chairman

For the second straight year, the Buckingham supervisors suspended the by-laws, when it comes to choosing a chairman ...

stabbing Kingsville robbery Prince Edward drug investigation Buckingham County search warrants


Herald News Briefs: One person killed in Buckingham accident

One person died and the investigation is ongoing into a traffic accident that took place Sunday night in ...

prince edward school board Buckingham school board Central Virginia Christian School


Survey Says: Buckingham asks residents about superintendent

It’s time for Buckingham County residents to have their say. As the search to hire a new school ...

High Bridge solar solar control Old Ridge Road solar


Letter to The Editor: Why does the Assembly want control of solar?

According to The Herald, some of our senators are pushing ahead to try and take the decision regarding ...

Trudy Berry


Trudy Berry launches District 50 campaign, but not as a Democrat

Last week, we covered Tommy Wright launching his re-election campaign for the House of Delegates District 50 seat. ...

Madeline's House STEPS Israel Hill


Sharon Harrup: A response to concerns about STEPS

As the President & CEO of STEPS, I had decided not to engage in a “point counter point” ...

Mountain Pine Solar Pineside Solar North Branch Solar Assembly solar bill


From The Editor’s Desk: Does Assembly work for residents or investors?

It all made sense after I sat through Monday’s meeting. Before that hearing, I was trying to understand ...

High Bridge solar solar control Old Ridge Road solar


What changed? Assembly members say solar control bill needed

Changes were still being made to the proposed state solar control bill just before Monday’s commission hearing. And ...

Tommy Wight


Tommy Wright launches re-election campaign for District 50

As one election ends, another one starts. 50th District Del. Tommy Wright announced on Tuesday his plans to ...

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