
Day by day, more aware

Author and Consultant, Patrick Lencioni asks six questions to guide any organization seeking purpose. I would think any ...


Library plans spring fundraiser

The Cumberland County Public Library is finalizing plans for their annual Sweets in the Stacks event to be ...


Easter worship and more

Buckingham Baptist Church located 24234 Gold Hill Area of New Canton will be hosting an Easter egg hunt ...


The Word — Experiencing profound love

I learned how to bake from my mom. Growing up I was convinced that nobody could bake better ...


Wildflower Symposium celebrates spring

Spring is definitely here. The days are longer, the temperatures are warmer, and there are blooms appearing everywhere. ...


Dance team shows off awards

The EMBERZ Performing Team of Five Pointes Dance Center displays some of the top awards they have earned ...


Commodity prices announced

Virginia Market News Service reported the following weekly ag trends on March 25: In Virginia, state graded feeder ...


Church and Community Events for the week of April 1

The Church and Community Events calendar is published each Friday. Items must be submitted by 10 a.m. Monday ...


60th anniversary celebrated

Kerry Ike Scruggs and Doris Johnson Scruggs celebrated their 60th wedding anniversary recently in Lakeland, Florida. The couple ...


Devotional — ‘Letting go’

Then Jesus said, “There was a man who had two sons. NRS Luke 15:11 These familiar words from ...


Garden Club meeting held

The Buckingham/Dillwyn Garden Club met on March 11. The guest was Jonathan Fitzgerald of Special Touch Florist in ...


Celestial skies at Sailor’s Creek

Spend a beautiful evening with the Crewe Astronomy Club gazing at the stars and learning about the night ...


Forest to open to public

The Virginia Department of Forestry (VDOF) has announced that the Charlotte State Forest (Charlotte SF), 5,005 acres located ...


Garden Club meeting held

The Buckingham/Dillwyn Garden Club met on March 11. The guest was Jonathan Fitzgerald of Special Touch Florist in ...


Vines and more vines that’s the plan

By Stella Payne Virginia Master Naturalist It is time to give native vines more attention. Virginia Creeper, Purple ...


Cast announced for The Importance of Being Earnest

The Waterworks Players stage will be transformed to late Victorian England to observe dashing men-about-town John Worthing and ...


Spring Art-on-the-Go announced

This April the Longwood Center for the Visual Arts is excited to present the newest installment of the ...


The Word — A terrible denial

“Then he began to curse and to swear that he kew bot the nan” (Mt. 26,74) St. Peter, ...


Sowing Seeds — ‘20/20’ and God’s Love

“20/20” featured a story about Mary who confessed to murdering Matthew, a pastor in Tennessee. According to the ...


Devotional — Faith: Foundation of life

As the weather warms and the spring flowers and grasses begin to grow, farmers and home gardeners prepare ...


Special Olympics receives check

Farmville Moose Lodge donates $1,500 to local Special Olympics. Giving the check is Andrew Hallinen to James Ferrell ...


May wedding planned

Dr. and Mrs. Lockett Wootton Garnett of Richmond are pleased to announce the engagement of their daughter, Amanda ...


Civil Rights sites bus tour

The Virginia Museum of History and Culture (VMHC) offered a trip by bus to Buckingham and Prince Edward ...


Civil War living history demonstrations set

It is exciting to see a group of cavalry members equipped with sabers and revolvers thunder across a ...


Road work planned

Highway work requiring road/lane/structure closures is planned; however, work may be delayed/canceled due to weather or other issues. ...


Peanut butter donations will be distributed

More than 161,000 sandwiches can be made with the seven pallets of peanut butter recently donated to the ...


Church and Community News for the week of March 25

The Church and Community Events calendar is published each Friday. Items must be submitted by 10 a.m. Monday ...

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