Herald Community Calendar


Herald Church and Community Calendar for the week of March 17

The Herald Church and Community Events calendar is published each Friday. Items must be submitted by 10 a.m. ...

Community Band


Community Band prepares for next week’s concert

The Heart of Virginia Community Band is preparing for their upcoming concert. Shown here, the band practices under ...


Bird Club takes a look at hummingbirds

‘Think you know all about Hummingbirds? Don’t be so sure… Come hear a local expert fascinate us with ...

Rachel Herndon


Farmville pays tribute to Rachel Herndon, Officer of the Year

FARMVILLE – After a year of hard work and getting involved in the community, Corporal Rachel Herndon was ...

dog rescue


After dog rescue in Prince Edward County, search is on for owner

PRINCE EDWARD COUNTY – After three local agencies came together for a daring dog rescue in Prince Edward ...


Sowing Seeds: Free, free, free

A few years ago, Mell and I moved from a three-story house full of furniture, mementos and stuff ...

Gearl Reid


Farmville community gathers to say goodbye to Gearl Reid

FARMVILLE – The town will gather Monday to say goodbye to Gearl D Reid. A titan of the ...


The Word: Temples in the New Testament

All are invited to an open house for the Richmond Virginia Temple of The Church of Jesus Christ ...

Herald Community Calendar


Herald Church and Community Calendar for the week of March 10

The Herald Church and Community Events calendar is published each Friday. Items must be submitted by 10 a.m. ...

Jazz Ensemble


Jazz Ensemble concert set

On Thursday, March 16, at 7:30 p.m. the Longwood University (LU) Jazz Ensemble will present a concert in ...

Buckingham FFA


FFA members compete in hippology contest

On Friday, Feb. 10, the Block and Bridle Horse Hippology Contest was held on the campus of Virginia ...


AKA Sorority participates in MLK Day of Service Celebration

Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Incorporated®, the Kappa Rho Omega Chapter, participated in a Martin Luther King Jr. Day ...


Supervisors visit FACES

The Prince Edward Board of Supervisors recently gathered at FACES Farmville to celebrate the group’s new sign. The ...

Longwood Garden Club


Garden Club learns about ‘appropriate trees’

The Longwood Garden Club met on Monday, Feb. 27, at the home of President Jennifer Irving Wall at ...


Happy to be Here: A nostalgic viewpoint

I  hadn’t been to the Longwood Center for the Visual Arts (LCVA) since before COVID became a household word. ...


Trents Mill News: Daylight Saving returns this weekend

Early this coming Sunday, we’ll all move clocks ahead one hour, as Daylight Saving Time begins. This year, ...

Longwood Center for Community Music


Longwood Center for Community Music helps make connections

FARMVILLE – The Longwood Center for Community Music (LCCM) was made in order to teach music to anyone ...

Hangover Market


Brewery helps people find something new at the Hangover Market

FARMVILLE – With spring seeming to come early this year, many are wanting to find more reasons to ...


Historical marker restored

The Buckingham County Circuit Court Clerk’s Office and the Commonwealth’s Attorney’s Office recently commissioned Joe Giles Signs to ...


Book Club hears from local author

The Third Thursday Book Club held its February meeting at the home of Helen Smith on Feb. 16. ...



Through the Garden Gate: Butchery in the garden

Gardens seem so peaceful. We talk about them as refuges, great places to relax, read, meditate, and just ...


Sowing Seeds — Prayer: Is anybody listening?

“Is anybody listening? Is anybody listening?! Please, somebody help me! My husband has collapsed, and I don’t know ...


The Word: Analog in a digital world

In a storage closet in my house, there are boxes of clothes and boots and books and canvas ...

Herald Community Calendar


Herald Church and Community Calendar for the week of March 2

The Herald Church and Community Events calendar is published each Friday. Items must be submitted by 10 a.m. ...



Churches come together to help FACES

Bethel Grove Baptist, Monroe Baptist and Levy Baptist churches joined together in giving back to the community by ...


Trents Mill News: Christian Fellowship Association will meet next week

The Buckingham County Christian Fellowship Association, a non-profit organization, will hold their regular monthly meeting for members and ...

Cocaine Bear


Movie Review: Cocaine Bear

To say COCAINE BEAR makes for a fun time at the movies would be a severe understatement. Directed ...

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