Cumberland schools


New students and staff welcomed in Cumberland schools

New teachers were paired off with mentors, given meals and a number of resources to help them succeed ...

Tropical Storm Debby


Tropical Storm Debby shifts position: Closings & updated forecast

As of 6:15 a.m. Thursday, the first rainfall courtesy of Tropical Storm Debby reached Farmville. Rain showers started ...

Cumberland schools


Delayed airdrop turns into $1,500 delivery for Cumberland schools

The delivery didn’t come the way it was planned, but Andrew Crider still made sure Cumberland County students ...

cell service toll scam 'phone-free' cell phone-free education Dominion Energy


Should schools be cell phone-free? It’s not that easy, officials warn

Once the cell phones were put up, students started learning again. That was the lesson handed out Monday, ...

Brown competes


Cumberland’s Kameron Brown competes in 3k race

Kameron Brown, a rising senior at Cumberland High, got out of his comfort zone to compete in the ...


Some changes for Cumberland schools

Students in Cumberland County will see some changes when the new school year begins. Cumberland County Public School ...



Students from five counties get ‘Back2School’ surprise

The idea was to make sure students had what they needed by the time the first day of ...


Retirees honored by Prince Edward School district

Prince Edward County Public Schools recently recognized the retirees for the 2023-2024 school year. “We deeply appreciate the ...

Summer School Data


Summer school captures the attention of Prince Edward students

One of the concerns Prince Edward, and a majority of other school districts, faced during the year involved ...

Buckingham FFA


Buckingham High FFA competes at 98th State Convention

Buckingham County High’s Future Farmers of America recently competed at the 98th annual Virginia FFA State Convention. That ...

cell service toll scam 'phone-free' cell phone-free education Dominion Energy


How will EO33 affect our schools? A look at ‘phone-free’ order

On Tuesday, July 9, Virginia Gov. Glenn Youngkin issued Executive Order 33, looking to guarantee a “cell phone-free ...

JROTC challenge


Students take on JROTC challenge

While many high school students are still enjoying their summer break, students from Buckingham County High’s Raider program ...

Letter to the Editor Buckingham supervisors Cumberland FFA foster


Multiple Farmville students honored by colleges

The spring semester is over and now is the time when colleges and universities send out notices, recognizing ...

Prince Edward school board Prince Edward Elementary


School construction runs into delays at Prince Edward Elementary

Prince Edward Elementary teachers won’t be moving into mobile classrooms in July, as originally planned. Students at the ...

Cumberland Education Foundation


Cumberland Education Foundation gives out scholarships

On Wednesday, May 1 at 6 p.m., the Cumberland Education Foundation (Cumberland County Public Schools Foundation, Inc.) awarded ...

Students of the Month


Cumberland Students of the Month honored at school board meeting

Each month during the regularly scheduled meeting, the Cumberland School Board recognizes the Students of the Month for ...

Prince Edward Middle School


Prince Edward Middle School student gets story published

Each year, the Young Writers group reaches out to schools across the country, asking students to turn in ...



Residents raise questions at Meherrin town hall meeting

When will the elementary school construction be finished? What are the rules the reassessment teams have to follow? ...

Prince Edward County schools Cumberland SOL pass rates school threat


Brown v. Board of Education scholarship program gets $2.5 million

The Brown v Board of Education Scholarship Program got a shot in the arm this past week, with ...

Cumberland books Cumberland Library Mike Wilson library grant


Cumberland Schools land library grant. Here’s what they’ll use it for

Some good news came this week for Cumberland County Public Schools, as the district received some extra funding. ...

Cumberland FFA


Cumberland FFA names new officers

As one school year ends, work already starts on the next. On Wednesday, May 22, Cumberland High’s Future ...

God intended it for good Cainan Townsend


‘God intended it for good’: Three generations look back over history

Skip Griffin drew from the Book of Genesis to make his point on Sunday. In Genesis 50, Joseph ...

cell phones cell phone-free Buckingham school board


Would turning off student cell phones help Prince Edward schools?

Susan Kimbrough would like the Prince Edward County School Board to consider something different, when it comes to ...

Prince Edward school board Prince Edward Elementary


Funding plan develops for Prince Edward Elementary renovations

How will the county pay for renovations at Prince Edward Elementary? That’s been a question raised since Virginia ...

Letter to the Editor Buckingham supervisors Cumberland FFA foster


Stepko named new assistant principal at Cumberland Elementary

Cumberland County Elementary has a new assistant principal. During the Thursday, May 2 meeting of the Cumberland School ...

Cumberland High


Cumberland High team qualifies for state competition

Recently, the Cumberland High School Envirothon Team traveled to Ferrum College to compete in the Area V competition, ...

Prince Edward students Hampden District Virginia Teacher of the Year


Governor names 2024 Virginia Teacher of the Year. Here’s who won

They all gathered for the presentation Monday night. Eight teachers from across the Commonwealth, including Cumberland’s own Emily ...

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