Keep Up The Good Work, Farmville
Published 2:44 pm Thursday, March 21, 2013
Editor, The Herald:
We are moving out of the area and have already bid farewell to our church and friends, but how can we leave the area without saying good-bye to our town.
To Town Manager Gerry Spates, thank you so much for all you, and everyone else who works for Farmville, do to make this town so special. Everything works so well; the stick truck (God bless the stick truck), the garbage collection, leaf pick-up, police and fire/rescue operations and all the rest are first rate. Every town should be so fortunate as to have a Town Manager as competent as Gerry Spates, and a Town Council astute enough to find him and keep him happy.
We will never forget you. Keep up the good work.
Joseph E. and Helen C. Clevenger
Farmville/Stephens City