National Night Out set for Aug. 6

Published 10:37 am Wednesday, July 24, 2019

It’s time to start planning for National Night Out, which is scheduled for Tuesday, Aug. 6. Last year citizens of Farmville took an impressive stand in the fight against crime by holding nine events in neighborhoods across town, earning Farmville a national ranking of 16th in areas with a population of 15,000 or less. This year, the police department hopes to climb even higher. To do that, the community needs to step up and have a good time by starting their own National Night Out block parties.

Farmville Town residents can celebrate the fight against crime by hosting neighborhood block parties that bring neighbors, communities and the police department together. McGruff the Crime Dog and police department members will visit neighborhoods hosting these events. Those wishing to host an event are asked to contact the Farmville Police Department with plans for their event by July 26. One such event is being jointly hosted by Donald Hunter and Pattie Cooper-Jones at Parkview Gardens Apartments. With an expected attendance of at least 100 people, they have plenty planned to celebrate this year’s National Night Out.

National Night Out is designed to heighten crime and drug-prevention awareness, develop and strengthen partnerships between police and residents, and generate support for anti-crime programs such as Neighborhood Watch, Crime Solvers and Business Watch. When asked why residents should come celebrate National Night Out, Farmville Police Chief Andy Ellington had this to say, “I think residents should look forward to having the opportunity to meet their neighbors and police officers, and strengthen those relationships. Everyone is so busy these days, and are always on the go that we forget the little things in life that are really the most important. These events celebrate the fight against crime and bring the community together.”

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To learn more about National Night Out and how to plan your neighborhood event, contact the Farmville Police Department at (434) 392-9259.