Kudos to our students

Published 9:47 am Thursday, November 15, 2018

Something that’s struck me more so this week is the level of dedication and leadership demonstrated by students of Hampden-Sydney College and Longwood University, not just within their schools but into Prince Edward County and beyond.

I had the opportunity to spend a portion of a chilly night with members of Omicron Rho chapter of Phi Beta Sigma, Inc. The fraternity takes one night each year to put themselves in the circumstances faced by homeless people who may not have a roof over their heads as winter approaches.

The donations of canned goods and warm clothing members of the fraternity received went to organizations such as FACES Food Pantry, Farmville Area Habitat for Humanity and Goodwill.

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The demonstration of empathy was part of a weeklong program the fraternity held to better understand who may be homeless, and why.

Student Javier Sydnor said women are disproportionately affected by homelessness, particularly those in domestic situations where they are forced out of their homes.

There were also 12 students at Hampden-Sydney College whose campus leadership and integrity throughout their time at the college was recognized through their admittance into Omicron Delta Kappa (ODK), a national honor society. According to documentation from Hampden-Sydney, “The Lambda Circle of ODK was established at Hampden-Sydney in 1924, and membership is a mark of highest distinction and honor. Selection of members is based on their influence as campus leaders to better campus life and to encourage high standards in all activities.”

That’s not to mention the members of the Hampden-Sydney soccer team who recently donated time, talent and elbow grease to help families in Wallace, North Carolina, whose homes and lives were devastated by Hurricane Michael. Students, classmates and families did everything from raising $1,000 worth of cash and personal items for those affected to gutting a house that sustained flooding.

The holidays are a stressful time for students and professors. In addition to some of the largest research papers, presentations, exams and projects needing to be due over the course of a few weeks, those in college balance these assignments with time with family, organizing holiday events and increased responsibility with the student organizations they take part in.

As a former student, I’m floored by the amount of service the students give, often with a smile and an evident single-mindedness toward helping their classmates and members of the community they might not know.

Students reading this, know your service is not being overlooked. Your impact in this community means so much to us. Professors, I hope your reading this shows that students are following the example you set with your work ethic and empathy toward others.

EMILY HOLLINGSWORTH is a staff reporter for The Farmville Herald and Farmville Newsmedia LLC. Her email address is Emily.Hollingsworth@ FarmvilleHerald.com.