Church and community events

Published 7:26 am Thursday, September 27, 2018

The Church and Community Events calendar is published each Friday. Items must be submitted by 10 a.m. Monday for that Friday’s calendar. Events should be emailed to CommunityCalendar@


7TH ANNUAL LANTERN TOURS, 6:30 p.m., Friday and 6 p.m. Saturday at Appomattox Court House Historical Park. All tour groups are accompanied by knowledgeable guides and light refreshments are included. To purchase tickets and for more details and info, visit www.

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QUILT GROUP TO MEET, 10 a.m. at American Legion #8, 1710 Jeffress Blvd, South Boston. Finishing work on throws and wheelchair lap robes will be done so that as many as possible may be delivered to the Veterans’ Home in Salem in early October. No experience necessary to help. For more info call Ellie at (434) 572-1998.

CHILD SEAT SAFETY CHECK, 10 a.m.-2 p.m. sponsored by the Farmville Police Department at the Fire Department on West Third Street. Anyone that transports children is encouraged to stop by. The event is free of charge. Officers will also have Child ID Kits to give to anyone that wants them.

BENEFIT YARD SALE, 8 a.m.–1 p.m. at 6413 Abilene Road, Farmville, sponsored by the Women of Douglas Presbyterian Church to benefit various mission projects.

66 BOOKS OF THE BIBLE, 4 p.m. at Forest Baptist Church to benefit the building fund. Gill Hill Baptist Church choir will render the music. Refreshments will be served. All are welcome.

CHOIR ANNIVERSARY, 3 p.m. at Mt. Zion 2nd Baptist Church of Green Bay. Special guests are the Anointed Voices of High Rock Baptist Church, Rice, and Peaks Baptist Church Men Chorus of Peaks Baptist Church, Prospect. All are welcome.


HOMECOMING, 11 a.m. at Union Grove Baptist Church, 2006 County Line Road, Keysville. Musical guests are the Glory Land Quartet. A covered dish lunch will be served. All are welcome.

SMOKEY WILSON IN CONCERT, 7 p.m. at Rough Creek Presbyterian Church. Light refreshments will follow the concert. All are welcome. Church is 3 miles north of Phenix on Highway 727.

HOMECOMING, 11 a.m. at Fitzgerald Memorial Baptist Church, 14 Fitzgerald Road, Cumberland. Special music by Dean Vassar of Virginia Beach. Covered dish lunch will follow. Come as you are and bring a friend.

BAKED POTATO BAR, 12:15 p.m. at Mt. Pleasant United Methodist Church, Meherrin sponsored by The United Methodist Women of Mt. Harmony, Beulah and Mt. Pleasant. A love offering will be accepted to assist with mission work in the community. Come at 11 a.m. and join us for worship, too. Great food and fellowship.

FAMILY AND FRIENDS DAY, 3 p.m. at Aspen Hill Baptist Church, Brookneal. Preaching will be the Rev. Robert M. Tucker, Jr., pastor of Sunflower Missionary Baptist Church, Nathalie. A repast will be served. Come and be blessed.

MEN’S DAY, 3 p.m. at the Gill Hill Baptist Church, 1427 County Line Road, Keysville. Speaker will be the Rev. Vatell Allen of New Hope Baptist. Music provided by the C.E.J. Gospel Singers of Keysville. Refreshments will be served.

SERVICES 9:30 a.m. of the Cumberland County Sunday School Union will convene at Sharon Baptist Church. All are welcome to attend.

GUEST PREACHER, 11 a.m. at Forest Baptist Church of Meherrin will be the Rev. Remmie Chew of Richmond. All are welcome to attend.

PRE-FALL HARVEST PROGRAM, 3 p.m. at High Rock Baptist Church. The Rev. Brian Taylor, Pastor of The 1st Nottoway Baptist Church, Crewe, will be the speaker. All the High Rock Baptist Church will be singing.

FAMILY AND FRIENDS DAY, 3 p.m. at The Apostolic Faith Church of All Nations along with a mortgage burning ceremony. District Elder John Williams will be the guest speaker, accompanied by the El-Bethel Kingdom Church family. The Rev. Robert McClung, Jr. of Atlanta, Georgia will be the guest speaker at the First Rock Baptist Church in Prospect at 11 a.m.


COMMUNITY FORUM, 5:30-6:30 p.m. at the Historic Train Station. Call (434) 392-4246 to register. Sponsored by Virginia Cooperative Extension.

MEETING, 6:30 p.m. of the Curdsville Community Center, 122 School Road. The program will be on birds of our area. Everyone is welcome. Bring a covered dish or dessert.

ACTIVE PARENTING CLASSES, 5-7 p.m. at the Farmville Library, 1303 W. Third St., Farmville, sponsored by Crossroads Prevention Services. To register, call (434) 392- 9461, ext. 274. Space is limited.


A MATTER OF BALANCE, 10 a.m.-noon sponsored by Piedmont Senior Resources on managing concerns about falls at the SCOPE Senior Center, located at 505 Griffin Blvd., Farmville. A workbook is provided and refreshments are served. Call Jordan Miles or Nikki Dean at (434) 767-5588 or email jmiles@psraaa. org to register or for more information.

JON KUKLA PRESENTS, 6:30 p.m. Patrick Henry: His Eloquence is the Smallest Part of His Merit in the Blackwell Ballroom at Longwood. Sponsored by Greenwood Library. Reception and book signing to follow. For questions, contact Vicki at palmervm@longwood. edu or (434) 395-2442.

BEEKEEPERS TO MEET, 7 p.m. at the Prince Edward County Extension Office across from Lowe’s in Farmville. The program will be the annual fun honey-tasting. For more information call Mary Jane Morgan at (434) 315- 1433, visit our Facebook page or website:


COFFEE WITH A COP, 7- 9 a.m. at Merks Place, located at 2106 West Third St.. This event will be held in conjunction with hundreds of other “Coffee with a Cop” events all across the country and will be an opportunity to meet with your local police officers and discuss a variety of topics.


HEART OF VA MASTER GARDENER LUNCH AND LEARN, noon at the Prince Edward Cooperative Extension Service Meeting Room, 100 Dominion Drive, Farmville. Jeffrey Rogers, Environmental Program Planner, Virginia Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services in Richmond, will be the speaker.

CAREGIVER SUPPORT GROUP, 2-3 p.m. at Brookview at The Woodland, 2005 Cobb St., Farmville, for families and caregivers of persons living with dementia. For information contact Marion Kyner at (434) 392-6106.

WALK TO END ALZHEIMER’S, 5 p.m. at Longwood University. Registration begins at 4:30 p.m.


LCVA CABIN FILM SERIES, 7 p.m. returns with the screening of the 1979 film, “The Amityville Horror.” The event, which will be hosted at the Longwood Cabin, is free and open to the public. No registration is required.


6TH ANNUAL HIGH BRIDGE HALF-MARATHON & 5K, 6 a.m.- noon, hosted by the Town of Farmville.

FUND SKEET AND TRAP CLASSIC, 8 a.m. at the Holiday Lake 4-H Educational Center in Appomattox.

WOMEN’S AND MEN’S DAY, 11 a.m. at High Bridge Baptist Church, Rice. Women’s guest preacher is Minister Kim Ashton of Farmville. Asking all women to wear white. Dinner will be served. The men’s guest preacher is the Rev. Richard Rather of Burkeville along with his choir, ushers and congregation. All are welcome.

WOMEN OF THE WAR PRESENTATION, 1-3 p.m. at Sailor’s Creek Battlefield.


KING/QUEEN PAGEANT, 4 p.m. sponsored by the Cumberland County Branch N.A.A.C.P at Bright Hope Center. The Rev. Dr. Maurice Carter, Pastor of Crystal Cathedral in Dillwyn, will be the keynote speaker. For information and tickets, call (434) 392-5884.