'The One Thing I Want To Do On Town Council For The People If I Could Only Do One Thing'
Published 3:50 pm Thursday, August 14, 2014
FARMVILLE — The primary goal that I will be sure to accomplish if elected to the Town Council is to maintain a sound financial position for Farmville, which, in turn, protects all of us from unforeseen stressful economic times. This requires that we keep the needs of the majority ahead of the interests of the few. To do otherwise means that the majority will pay dearly in the future for the self-centered mistakes of a few!
This goal requires (1) setting realistic priorities in the budget, (2) eliminating unnecessary spending of tax money from our residents, and (3) a vigorous encouragement of the growth of businesses and commerce. Creating a greater diversity of businesses within our town limits will strengthen our ability to keep “reducing the property tax burden” on individual homeowners and it will have a positive effect on increasing job opportunities for our citizens.
I agree with many Farmville residents who have suggested that a feasibility committee needs to be established to study the possibility of improving Germantown Road and Osborn Road. Each of these residential areas has a considerable number of family homes with an obvious increase in pedestrian and auto traffic. Some have suggested that citizen safety and security in these important residential areas could be improved by the addition of streetlights and sidewalks. The concerns of our Germantown Road and Osborn Road families are important and should be studied.
An important part of my goal requires strengthening community involvement in decision-making. Constituents will be informed of upcoming proposals so that they can provide feedback before decisions are made. Lines of communication will be kept open through all avenues of public media, Town Hall meetings, and personal availability. I pledge to listen to our citizens and act on their recommendations. I will never forget that the Town of Farmville belongs to its citizens and not the Town Council.
While canvassing the town in recent weeks, I noticed that approximately 50-plus homes are for sale in our small town. This could be a signal of a dangerous increase in economic stress for many homeowners. My primary goal of a balanced realistic budget, with a reduction of non-necessary spending accompanied by keeping taxes, costs, and fees as low as possible, will help keep “all” of our Farmville homeowners financially secure in their homes.
I respectfully ask for your vote and I pledge to be a responsive advocate for “all” citizens and to maintain and “open door” policy for everyone. Nothing is impossible when we work together and I am ready to work for “you”!