Welcome fall
Published 6:24 am Thursday, August 30, 2018
I hope each of you have stayed cool this week as we end up August and welcome in September on Saturday.
The Southall-Woodson family reunion will be held Saturday, Sept. 8, at noon in the Social hall of Appomattox P.E. Presbyterian Church at Tuggle.
The Prospect Historical Society will hold its meeting on Tuesday at 7:30 p.m. in the old post office building. Everyone is welcome to attend.
Mr. and Mrs. Jeff Smith welcomed a new great granddaughter, Abigail Rose Guill on Aug. 22. A most exciting time for any grandparent. Do not spoil her too much.
Tuesday, Aug. 21, Betty and Don Meadows, Shirley and George Moore and Margaret and Richard Stockton took a little trip to Lynchburg where they visited the Olive Garden for a delicious lunch, bringing home goodie bags and good fellowship.
Sunday, Aug. 26, following church services, Judy Bolt had her uncle Bob Johnson of Richmond, Jennifer Jones and son Thomas, Chris Bolt, Alexa Moser, Steve Bolt, Flora Bolt, Haley and Payden Murdock, Ashley Bolt and Ron Poythress to her home for lunch and to celebrate Jennifer Jones’ birthday.
The Prospect Happy Hats met Thursday, Aug. 23, for a get together. They met at Merk’s Place for dessert at which time Hilda Allen brought us up to date on things we have done since September 2004 and shared pictures of their activities. It was fun to start recalling some of these activities. Those present were Hilda Allen, Lois Johnson, Sue Ellen Case, Jean C. Hensley, Pat Smith, Betty Meadows, Margaret Stockton, Dolly Worthy, Ann Norton and Jeannette Tarlton.
Concord Baptist Church will start its fall Sunday evening Bible study this Sunday beginning at 5:30 p.m. The Fall Children’s ministry will start on Wednesday at 6 p.m. This will take place each Wednesday during the school year.
Appomattox P.E. Presbyterian Church at Tuggle welcomes you to worship with them each Sunday. Jim Blackwell will be with them this Sunday.
The membership of Davis Memorial Presbyterian Church at Prospect welcomes you to come and worship with them every Sunday; Sunday School is at 10 a.m. with Worship at 11 a.m.
Calvary Chapel-Farmville welcomes you to worship with them Sunday mornings at 10:30 a.m. and each week on Wednesday evening for Bible Study for all age groups at 7 p.m. The Church is located at 302 Industrial Park Road, in the former Stackpole-Carbone building.
The Remnant Church welcomes you to worship with them on Wednesday nights at 6:30 p.m., Sunday morning at 10:30 a.m. and Sunday nights at 6:30 p.m. The pastor is Jeff Spencer. The church is located at 1825 E. Third St., Farmville in the old Cedar Brook Restaurant building.
Concord Baptist Church at 12053 Francisco Road, Farmville welcomes you to their Sunday School at 10 a.m., Worship service at 11 a.m.
MARGARET STOCKTON is the Tuggle News columnist. She can be reached at (434) 392-6431 or email to mom@moonstar.com.