Garden Club meets

Published 7:57 am Thursday, February 15, 2018

The monthly meeting of the Cumberland Garden Club was held at the Cumberland Library on Jan. 30 with President Elaine Myers presiding. It was a business meeting, which covered several matters including which members would present the 2018 monthly programs. Plans were made for visits to the Woodlands to visit senior members residing there and to Maymont. The club will donate a basket to the Cumberland Library for its annual fundraiser. Members present were President Elaine Myers, Hilda Nuckols, Nancy Coxon, Nell Spain, Carolyn Foran, Debbie Boutilier, Pat Adams, Helen Meinhard, Barbara Daniels, Pat Parker, Betty Brown, Carol Allen and Carol Miller. Pictured are, from left, members Helen Meinhard, Nancy Coxon and President Elaine Myers.

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