College Application Week at BCHS
Published 1:48 pm Tuesday, November 15, 2016
Buckingham County High School (BCHS) will participate in Virginia College Application Week 2016 this week. The initiative is part of the 1, 2, 3 Go! campaign designed to guide senior high school students through gaining college knowledge, applying to and paying for college in preparation for fall enrollment. Virginia College Application Week is step number two in the initiative, assisting Virginia’s students and families in applying to college. High schools across the state, including BCHS, will host application events and provide support services during the week.
As part of Virginia’s college access initiative, BCHS is providing concentrated support services to eligible seniors during the week to help them each complete and submit at least one college application. This event will promote Buckingham’s college-bound culture while ensuring that every student is prepared for his or her post-secondary plans.
The goal of the program is to increase the number of eligible Virginia high school students applying to colleges early in their senior year. During this event, students will have the opportunity to apply to any of Virginia’s 24 public two-year colleges, 15 public four-year universities, 70 private non-profit institutions and more than 250 other non-public schools, as well as any out-of-state institutions in which they are interested.
Alani Staples, Virginia College Application Week Site Coordinator for Buckingham County High School, expects more than 100 seniors to participate with the help of volunteers from Sue Miles, school counseling department chair; Kiana Williams, VCAC advisor; Tina Maxey, SVCC career coach; and Sarah McDermott, UVA school counseling intern.
This initiative is part of the American College Application Campaign, a national initiative that is an effort of the American Council on Education. Virginia has been a participant in the national campaign since 2012. The State Council of Higher Education for Virginia, coordinates Virginia College Application Week in partnership with the Virginia Secretary of Education’s Office, Council of Independent Colleges in Virginia and Educational Credit Management Corporation.
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