A warning about Trump
Published 4:12 pm Tuesday, December 15, 2015
For a country that was founded on the principles of liberty and equality, we have an unfortunate history.
Over the years we have fallen short of the founding promise. Blacks, Jews, Catholics and just about every other different minority have at times faced discrimination, either subtle, overt or legally codified. During World War II, thousands of Japanese Americans were rounded up and sent to live in remote relocation centers, a less threatening name for concentration camps. These American citizens lost their homes and businesses in the name of national security.
It’s ironic that at the time we were fighting in Europe to end oppression. Granted, the German version of concentration camps was considerably more sinister.
In the early 1950s the reach of Russian communism had Americans scared. Enter a white knight in the form of Sen. Joseph McCarthy.
McCarthy rose to prominence by finding communists running rampant in the government, military and the entertainment industry. Lives and careers were destroyed by his reckless charges.
Today we have a new white knight in Donald Trump. His political star is rising because every time he opens his mouth the press is there to trumpet it.
With each new pronouncement, no matter how outlandish, a segment of the population nods and thinks he is right.
Perhaps he would like to see Muslim Americans rounded up and sent to concentration camps or have emblems sewn on their coat sleeves.
Don’t sell your freedom for a sense of security. Every time we infringe on someone else’s rights we are diminished.
Joseph M. Zehner