Candidates need more information on pipeline
Published 12:28 pm Thursday, October 29, 2015
I want to comment on The Herald’s report of the Farm Bureau Candidates Forum for the candidates for the Board of Supervisors in Buckingham County (“Pipeline seen as positive,” Oct. 21).
I think all candidates thought the economy and jobs were the most important issues.
In regards to the pipeline being seen as positive for the county, Dennis Davis, a candidate for District One, stated that the proposed pipeline will not provide jobs for our citizens. Dominion will bring in its own experienced crew.
All candidates felt the pipeline would be a positive thing, but did not mention that none of the gas will benefit any future businesses here. Almost all the gas will go to North Carolina.
Whether the pipeline is seen as positive depends on where you live.
The candidates need to get more information than how much tax money will be brought to the county.
Marie Flowers
Buckingham County