Cumberland To Collect Tax For Town

Published 4:37 pm Tuesday, November 23, 2010

CUMBERLAND – County Supervisors adopted a motor vehicle license tax agreement between the County and the Town of Farmville this month related to Cumberland retaining 10 percent of the amount collected from Farmville residents in license fees.

“We have gone by their license tax agreement,” said County Administrator Judy Ownby about the agreement presented that was similar to the one between the Town of Farmville and Prince Edward County, “and just adjusted it to fit Cumberland County.”

She noted that the agreement had previously been reviewed by Cumberland's County Attorney, Howard Estes, and by Farmville's Town Manager, Gerald Spates.

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“In this agreement it states that Cumberland County will retain 10 percent of the amount collected from Town residents in license fees and 90 percent will be forwarded to the Town of Farmville,” explained Ms. Ownby.

She also noted that the anticipated collection amount would be approximately $1,000 if all of the fees were collected but that it would cover the County's costs for managing the collection.

“We're doing it a little differently,” said Ms. Ownby about Cumberland's collection process. “I checked with Gerry and told him that although he normally collects license fees in April next year 2011 for him to understand that Cumberland County will be collecting in November so he would not be receiving any license fees until November and he was fine with that”

Supervisor Elbert Womack, District Four, made a motion that the Board move forward with the agreement, which included one minor change requested by the Cumberland Commissioner of Revenue, between the County and the Town related to collecting license fees from Farmville residents.

The motion passed unanimously.