Published 4:30 pm Thursday, October 28, 2010
The Cumberland County Planning Commission will meet on Monday, November 15, 2010, at 7:00 p.m., or as soon thereafter as may be heard, in the Circuit Courtroom at the Cumberland Courthouse in Cumberland, Virginia, to conduct a public hearing pursuant to Virginia Code Section 15.2-2204, which such hearing may be continued or adjourned, as required under applicable law, and to consider the following item and taking actions in furtherance thereof:
Conditional Use Permit No. 10-03, Ag Renewable Resources, LLC – A request in accordance with Sec. 74-543 of the Cumberland County zoning ordinance to grant a conditional use permit to allow for a facility that manufactures fertilizer and is a private electric power generating facility. The above application is running concurrently with Code Amendment #10-11 which is a request to amend the zoning ordinance to permit manufacture of fertilizer as conditional use in the M-1, Industrial zoning district. The request concerns the following property:
Tax Map 49, Section 3, Parcel 2 with respect to 11.926 acres. The affected property is currently zoned A-2, Agricultural. The subject property is proposed to be zoned M-1, Industrial by Rezoning #10-02 submitted by the Cumberland County Industrial Development Authority. Approval of Conditional Use Permit #10-03 is contingent upon approval of Rezoning #10-02 and Code Amendment #10-11. The subject property is located in Election District 3 on the west side of Rt. 728 (Poorhouse Road) just north of its intersection with Range Road, immediately adjacent to the County maintenance shop and animal pound. This location is approximately 3,800 feet north of the Poorhouse Road and Rt. 60 (Anderson Highway) intersection. The general usage of the proposed rezoned property is light industrial. The subject property is within the Cumberland Courthouse Growth Area as designated by the Comprehensive Plan. The general usage set forth in the land use section of the Comprehensive Plan shall encourage a mixture of residential and economic development opportunities in the Cumberland Courthouse Growth Area.
Copies of the complete text of the above conditional use permit request and associated plan are available for public review at the office of the Cumberland County Planning Department, County Administration Building, 1 Courthouse Circle, Cumberland, Virginia and may be inspected between 8:30 am and 4:30 pm of each business day. The public is invited to attend this hearing at which persons affected may appear and present their views. Questions or comments may be directed to Mr. Andrew V. Sorrell, Planning Director, at (804) 492-3520. Persons with disabilities are urged to contact the County Administrator's Office at (804) 492-3625 at least five (5) days prior to the meeting to arrange for any necessary accommodations.