Published 2:39 pm Thursday, November 3, 2011
Prince Edward County, Virginia
Tax Map #100-A-15
In execution of a certain Deed of Trust from William F. Andersen, Jr. and Gail A. Andersen dated July 10, 2009 and recorded in the Clerk's Office for the Circuit Court of Prince Edward County Virginia as Instrument #200901545, securing a loan in the principal amount of $60,000.00, default having been made in the payment of the debt therein secured, and being required to do so by the noteholder, the undersigned Successor Trustee will offer for sale
On the front steps of Circuit Court for Prince Edward County
124 North Main Street, Farmville, Virginia
on Wednesday, November 16, 2011
at 11:00 a.m. prevailing Eastern Time
the following described real estate:
All that certain tract or parcel of land lying and being in Hampden Magisterial District of Prince Edward County, Virginia, containing FOUR (4) ACRES, more or less, and more fully described in the above Deed of Trust.
TERMS: Cash. The successful bidder will be required to make a deposit of 10%. Settlement in full in cash within ten (10) days after sale. Conveyance will be by Special Warranty Deed subject to recorded conditions, restrictions, reservations and easements of record. The undersigned reserves the right to waive the deposit requirement, approve the creditworthiness of any bidder and final purchaser, withdraw the Property from sale at any time before the termination of the bidding, keep the bidding open for any length of time, and reject any or all bids.
The noteholder reserves the right to bid on said tract of land and to refuse any and all bids on said tract of land.
Tyler E. Williams, III
Successor Trustee
For More Information Contact:
Tyler E. Williams, III
P.O. Box 530
Charlotte C.H., Virginia 23923
(434) 542-4420
(434) 542-4430 (telecopier)