Special Utility Ordinance
Published 4:18 pm Tuesday, October 18, 2011
CUMBERLAND – County Supervisors adopted a special utility ordinance last week during its regular monthly meeting that amends a chapter in Cumberland's code but not on a permanent basis.
The special ordinance will only be in effect until the County's waterline extension project is complete and it will allow citizens who are in the process of constructing a home the ability to connect at a reduced rate.
“This is a special ordinance and this will be dealing with the changes that we need…while in the middle of the waterline expansion,” said County Attorney Howard Estes to the Cumberland Board of Supervisors. “Owners of property that would be in the building phase while we were in the process of constructing the waterline and giving those property owners the opportunity to connect to the water system during their construction period while we are constructing the waterline.”
The ordinance provides an opportunity for citizens to be able to buy the connection/tap fee at $50 rather than the residential construction charge that would exceed $2,000, noted Estes to the Board.
“This provides some relief for those individuals that are looking into building on a lot in the waterline extension area but have not gotten quite to that process yet,” he said. “But we identified them earlier this summer as users of the system.”
These residents would still be required to pay a “non-user fee” until the house is actually constructed.
“This is a special ordinance and would not be included in the County code and it automatically sunsets June 30, 2013,” added Estes, “which is the time period that we expect the waterline to be complete during that time period in the next two years.”
This special ordinance will provide an opportunity to citizens in the waterline area to connect to the water system at the reduced rate.
“We have a specific time for construction,” noted Estes about the waterline extension project and when the special ordinance timeframe will run out.
The Board held a public hearing on this special ordinance and there were no citizens signed up to speak.
Afterwards, the Board adopted the resolution adopting the special ordinance amending the provisions of Chapter 66: Utilities of the Cumberland Code unanimously. District Two Supervisor Tim Kennell made the motion.
The public waterline extension project will carry the County's utility services along Route 60 to the Hillcrest area where it will terminate at the Community Center.