H-SC Symposium To Begin Feb. 24

Published 5:14 pm Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Jointly sponsored by Hampden-Sydney College and Longwood University, the symposium Nicaragua – Insurrection and Revolution, Using Photography to Tell the Story begins on Thursday, Feb. 24, and continues on Feb. 28 and March 1, concluding on March 2.

Nicaragua – Insurrection and Revolution explores the political and cultural roots of the 1979 uprising in Nicaragua and, simultaneously, provides an historical context for the work of documentary artist and H-SC's QEP International Scholar, Margarita Montealegre. The symposium also includes the screening of two films: Munro and Raymont's The World is Watching (1991) and Pictures from a Revolution (1983) by Susan Meiselas, Alfred Guzzetti, and Richard P. Rogers. These movies describe the events in Nicaragua during and following the uprising of 1979 and the subsequent revolution.

Specialists in geography, history, and politics of the region will ground the visual works, which will be introduced by art and film historians. Later in the year, a small selection of Montealgre's photographs will be included in an exhibition at the Esther T. Atkinson Museum of Hampden-Sydney College (opening March 24).

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Photojournalist and teacher Margarita Montealegre joined the Hampden-Sydney College faculty for the 2010-2011 academic year as a visiting scholar. A guest of Hampden-Sydney College at large, she has been welcomed as a member of the Fine Arts Department where she is teaching Documentary Photography and Photography and Culture. As a member of the community she is a regular participant in the Spanish and French language tables of the Department of Modern Languages. She has also visited classes at Longwood University and worked as a volunteer with the Piedmont Regional Jail. <br />
The first female photojournalist in her native country, Montealegre brings with her an impressive resume of accomplishments. In 1979, she was awarded the Organization of International Journalists First World Prize in contemporary photography for the coverage of Nicaraguan political events, riots, and war. Her image of peasants marching was used as the main image on the verso of the new republic's bills. Later Montealegre acted as the official photographer of Nicaragua for the visits of Pope John Paul II in 1996 and U.S. President Bill Clinton in 1999. She also photographed former U.S. President Jimmy Carter during his three-day visit to Nicaragua in 2006. Just this year her work has been juried into two international exhibitions of photography sponsored by the Spanish government.

The Symposium program includes: Thursday, Feb. 24, 7 p.m. – Chichester Science Center G12, Longwood University Screening of The World is Watching (1988), directed by Jim Munro and Peter Raymont. Introduced by Dr. William C. Holliday, Assistant Professor of History, Longwood University. Parking available on Griffin Blvd in areas marked blue.

Monday, Feb. 28, 7 p.m. – Crawley Forum, H-SC, Central America: Nicaragua in Historical Context – Panel discussion chaired by Dr. Kenneth Lehman, Squires Professor of History, Hampden-Sydney College

Panel: Dr. Edward L. Kinman, Associate Professor of Biological and Environmental Sciences, Longwood University, “Why Here? Geographic Perspectives on Insurrection and Revolution in Central America”; Dr. W. John Green, Visiting Professor of Latin American History, Washington and Lee University. Revolution and Counter Revolution in Central America”; Dr. William C. Holliday, Assistant Professor of History, Longwood University, “Liberation Theology and the Nicaraguan Revolution.” Parking available on the H-SC campus next to Crawley Forum (first right hand turn inside the gates).

Tuesday, March 2, 7 p.m. – Crawley Forum, H-SC, Using Pictures to Tell a Story; An Introduction by Mary Prevo, Adjunct Associate Professor of Fine Arts, Hampden-Sydney College; Images of Insurrection and Revolution, Nicaragua Margarita Montealegre, Documentary Photographer and 2010 Visiting International Scholar, Hampden-Sydney College.

Wednesday, March 2, 7 p.m. – Crawley Forum, H-SC, Screening of Pictures from a Revolution (1991) by Susan Meiselas and Alfred Guzzetti (93 minutes). Introduced by Dr. Lizardo M. Herrera, Visiting Assistant Professor of Modern Languages, Hampden-Sydney College.

Sponsors of the event include the Offices of the President and Dean of the Faculty, Departments of Fine Arts and History at Hampden-Sydney College and the Departments of Geography and History, Political Science, and Philosophy at Longwood University. All events are free and open to the public. Handicapped parking is available: for details at Longwood, call 434-395-2660; for Hampden-Sydney College call, 434-223-6273.