Letter to the Editor: Where were our elected officials?

Published 12:22 am Monday, August 12, 2024

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On Monday, Aug. 5 at 6:30 p.m., there was an informational meeting held by Green Ridge. Derek Stamey was there, but I did not see any of our elected board members. Why? Do they not care enough about any of their constituents rights or concerns, the fact that this dump is not wanted for many reasons? Is it or was it because the words “will not frustrate Green Ridge” is in the host agreement for the landfill? Did they not want to aggravate Green Ridge by their presence? Their constituents would have liked to have seen their elected officials there, representing our/their concerns. Still they chose not to be there.

The CUP and host agreement needs to be reread and rewritten as Green Ridge is making changes. There needs to be a collaboration of the board of supervisors so that all of them can take care of all their constituents in each of their districts. What you think Green Ridge will bring to Cumberland County will be meager compared to other sites. Yes we need businesses, we do not need a dump!

Jerry Cifor himself said this landfill is not needed! This was in June 2018. Green Ridge was also rammed down our throats in 28 days. John Newman represents District 2. This is going in District 2! Does he not care about our water? Does he not care enough about our property values? Does he not care enough about what his constituents’ concerns are? He should have been there for the question and answer period. Once again, “we the people” are being ignored! We are all on wells and this will contaminate our wells when this mega landfill leaks. Why are our elected officials in favor of this dump? What is their agenda? I am truly sorry Newman was elected as a representative, our voice, for District 2! 

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Supervisors need to quit thumbing their noses at those that elected all of them into the positions they now hold. They work for us…………they need to start listening please.

Geralyn Tavernier