Letter to the Editor: We still have questions, STEPS isn’t answering

Published 8:08 pm Monday, August 5, 2024

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Regarding the article titled “Questions Remain for STEPS,” we still have a question for Shawn Rozier of STEPS: Why the apparent attempt to circumvent Farmville’s zoning laws? Shawn asserts that his project is an apartment complex, not a shelter. It appears there is confusion over the distinction between the two, which we aim to clarify.

Firstly, Farmville’s zoning regulations explicitly exclude shelters or temporary shelters from the Layne Street property, which is a fact. An apartment complex operates as a commercial entity, generating income by renting space to financially stable occupants who typically hold jobs, possess good credit scores, and can provide references—this is also a fact, drawn from our member Carol Anderson’s experiences as a former landlord.

Conversely, a shelter serves those without housing or employment, offering support services such as counseling, social work, and training programs for disabilities and GEDs. Their stay is typically temporary and requires specific qualifications—not everyone can apply. Allison Bogdonovic specifically states potential residents do not have to have employment to be housed, and that residents will receive these services. These are social issues that nonprofit organizations like STEPS or VHS address as part of their mission—another fact.

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Claiming to build an apartment complex when the intention is to establish a shelter is fiction. Attempting to persuade Farmville residents otherwise or mislead the Planning Committee and Town Council is misguided.

As previously stated, we support STEPS and VHS in their mission but advocate for a project location that ensures success without risking failure. We oppose any efforts to mislead the Planning Committee and Town Council into approving a shelter misrepresented as an apartment complex. We urge the consideration of alternative parcels that align with the needs of your clientele and respect Farmville’s zoning laws.

It has been 57 days since Shawn Rozier has declined to meet with Farmville residents.

Carol Anderson
Leslie Forsythe
Sarah Fitzgerald
Monique Thomas
Franklin Royster
on behalf of the Layne Street Coalition