Hampden Lane request moves forward in Prince Edward

Published 5:31 pm Monday, May 20, 2024

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It’s taken a bit of time, but residents in the Buffalo Creek subdivision are finally getting their wish. The subdivision, located off of Route 658 (Fire Forks Road), was recorded back in 2006 and is made up of 13 lots. As it stands, there are six homes currently built. 

One of the roads, Hampden Lane, was dedicated for public use. That was part of the deal when the subdivision was accepted by the country. There was just one problem. The first 800 feet of the 80’ ft. right-of-way was not part of the subdivision in the beginning and was never dedicated for either public use or accepted by Prince Edward County. 

Property owners in Buffalo Creek have been working for years to get the road up to state standards, so they could turn it over to the state for maintenance. But each time this conversation comes up, the hold up has been the issue of dedication of this northern portion of the right-of-way. Property owners in Buffalo Creek have been working with the owners of that property, who have now agreed to make that dedication. 

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During their Tuesday, May 14 meeting, Prince Edward supervisors signed off on the Hampden Lane dedication request, which comes with a specific note. The cost to bring the road up to state standards must be paid by property owners in Buffalo Creek. Under no circumstances will Prince Edward County assume responsibility for either maintenance or pay to bring it up to state standards. With that agreed to, supervisors gave a unanimous vote of approval.