Robinson's Credentials Are Praised

Published 1:52 pm Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Editor, The Herald:

In light of the current economic situation, it is of utmost importance to elect an individual into the position of Treasurer for Prince Edward County that possesses certain qualities. One of the most important qualities we must look for is someone with integrity. Integrity is defined as, “adherence to moral and ethical principles; soundness of moral character; honesty.” An individual who has integrity will not only be honest in the issues that we face as a county, but use morals and ethics in determining how best to rectify these issues.

Experience is an imperative quality. It is imperative that the individual elected into office has the experience necessary not only to maintain the current economic status of the county, but to analyze and propose strategies in order to improve our economic status. This experience not only includes that of accounting background, but must include communication and interpersonal skills necessary to network and develop relationships.

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Let's not forget one of the qualities that can be easily overlooked. That would be the quality of being a family man. This not only means that one is dedicated to those who are of blood relation, but to all those to whom he holds dear. This is important because if a man will stand beside his family, once elected Prince Edward County will become his family as well; therefore, he will stand beside all Prince Edward County residents and serve us with the best of his ability.

In saying all of this, you may ask who has these qualities. Who possess integrity, honesty, experience, and is deemed a family man? Brock Robinson. Brock Robinson is a life-long resident of Prince Edward County who possess strong character to include integrity and honesty. He not only has experience in the financial aspects of business, he has experience in customer service and most of all displayed leadership within his previous job capacities. Brock is a family man that not only loves those of blood relation, but extends his heart and compassion to those of extended relation, friends, or just someone in need. This is the kind of person we need to have as Treasurer for Prince Edward County: A man that we can trust to operate with strong moral and ethical values; is approachable and compassionate to the needs of the community; has the experience necessary to not only sustain Prince Edward County, but to implement new ideas to enhance the community; and who will embrace us all as family and stand beside us.

Elect H.D. “Brock” Robinson for Treasurer.

Family, Friend, and Neighbor,

Kimberly D. Boettcher