Published 3:39 pm Tuesday, November 27, 2012
The Farmville Town Council will hold a public hearing on Wednesday, December 12, 2012 at 6:45 pm, in the Council Chamber of the Town Hall, located at 116 North Main Street, Farmville, VA for the purpose of hearing citizen comments on the following proposed Farmville Ordinances:
Article III Tax on Real Property
Sec. 25-47.1 Exemption adopted.
Pursuant to Code of Virginia, tit. 58.1, ch. 32, art. 2, as amended, the Town Council for Farmville, Virginia, hereby adopts this article which provides for the exemption from real estate taxation of certain elderly and/or permanently and totally disabled person who own their own home in Farmville, Prince Edward County or Farmville, Cumberland County, and further provides a schedule of exemption to persons qualifying and the procedure to be followed for claiming such exemptions.
Sec. 25-47.2 Qualification – qualifying property owners in Farmville, Prince Edward County.
For persons who own their own home in Farmville, Prince Edward County, who qualify for this exemption pursuant to Prince Edward County, Virginia, Code of Ordinances, Chapter 70 – Taxation Article VII. – Exemptions, Division I Real Estate Exemption for Elderly and Permanently Disable Persons as amended shall be granted the same exemptions as to the town real estate taxes.
Sec. 25-47.3 Qualification – qualifying property owners in Farmville, Cumberland County.
For persons who own their own home in Farmville, Cumberland County who qualify for this exemption pursuant to Cumber-land County, Virginia Code of Ordinances, Chapter 58 – Taxation, Article VII, Real Property Tax, Division 3, Property of El-derly and Disabled Persons, as amended shall be granted the same tax exemptions as to the town real estate taxes.
Any person wishing to comment on the above-mentioned matter should plan to attend this hearing. Any comments and/or questions may be directed to the Town Manager's Office, 116 North Main Street, Post Office Drawer 368, Farmville, Virginia 23901 or by (434) 392-5686, between the hours of 8:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m., Monday through Friday.
It is the intent of the Town to comply with the Americans with Disabilities Act. Should you need special accommodations, please contact Gerald J. Spates, Town Manager, (434) 392-5686.