Public Notice
Published 3:26 pm Thursday, November 15, 2012
PURPOSE OF NOTICE: To announce a public meeting and seek public comment on a permit application to allow the land application of Biosolids in Buckingham County, Virginia.
PUBLIC MEETING: Agriculture Building, 54 Administration Lane, Buckingham, VA 23921 on Wednesday, November 28, 2012 from 5:30 p.m. to 7:30 p.m.
PURPOSE OF PUBLIC MEETING: For DEQ to discuss technical issues related to the permit application submitted by Synagro Central, LLC of Champlain VA to land apply biosolids in Buckingham County, VA. “Biosolids” is a term that refers to solid, semisolid, or liquid materials removed from municipal sewage and treated to be suitable for recycling as fertilizer.
PUBLIC COMMENT PERIOD: November 29, 2012 until December 28, 2012
PROPOSED PERMIT NAME: Virginia Pollution Abatement Permit application for Synagro Central, LLC – Buckingham County issued by DEQ under the authority of the State Water Control Board.
PROJECT DESCRIPTION: Synagro Central, LLC has applied for a permit to authorize the land application of biosolids to 114 fields in Buckingham County, VA totaling approximately 3491.7 acres of farmland. Four fields are owned by Kenneth & Betsy Bryant, four fields are owned by David Hudgins, ten fields are owned by James Jones Estate, three fields are owned by Laura Absher, one field is owned by Thomas Harris, two fields are owned by Robert Martin, three fields are owned by John Pierce, three fields are owned by John & Johnanathon Staton / John & Frances State Trust, one field is owned by H.L Blanks, Annette, & Stepheny Christian Life Estate, one field is owned by Frank & Barbara Zagrod, Trustees, one field is owned by Patton Wasson Living Trust, Patton & Sandra Wasson, Trustees, two fields are owned by James Johnson, Jr. & Joyce Johnson/Co./Trust/Johnson Family Trust, one field is owned by Kathern & Keith Denby, one field is owned by Kenneth Roberts, four fields are owned by Buddy Fletcher, one field is owned by T.M. Senger / Walter & Martha Shapiro, one field is owned by T.M. Senger & Thomas Manis, one field is owned by Thomas & Kathelene Manis, two fields are owned by the Commonwealth of Virginia Board of Game & Island Fisheries, five fields are owned by Wilbur & Edward Wilmoth, five fields are owned by Pearl R. & V. Cassell Adamson, Jr., two fields are owned by Robert Marks III, two fields are owned by Wilbur Wilmoth, six fields are owned by Thomas Woodward & Alecia Pitzer, two fields are owned by Lynnwood Berkley & Brenda Jones, four fields are owned by James Rollins, seven fields are owned by Hammner Goodwin / c/o George Goodwin, nine fields are owned by Alvis Properties, three fields are owned by Michael & Sandra Fogle, twelve fields are owned by John & Nancy Schlichting, and eleven fields are owned by RMA Lumber, Inc.. The biosolids will be land applied as a fertilizer at a controlled rate in accordance with a nutrient management plan that will be developed for each site. The applicant proposes to utilize biosolids on farmland without a discharge to surface waters.
HOW TO COMMENT: DEQ accepts written comments by e-mail, fax or postal mail. All comments must be in writing and be received by DEQ during the comment period of November 29, 2012 through December 28, 2012. Written comments must include: 1) The names, mailing addresses and telephone numbers of the person commenting and of all people represented by the citizen; and 2) A brief, informal statement on how the proposal affects the person commenting. DEQ will also accept written and oral comments at the public meeting. The public may review the permit modification application at the public meeting and at the DEQ office named below.
CONTACT FOR PUBLIC COMMENTS, DOCUMENT REQUESTS AND ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: E. Mark Coppage; DEQ – Blue Ridge Regional Office, 7705 Timberlake Road, Lynchburg, VA 24502; Phone: (434) 582-6211; E-mail:; Fax: (434) 582-5125