Public Hearing For Veterinary Clinic

Published 1:25 pm Tuesday, October 30, 2012

BUCKINGHAM – During its October meeting, the Buckingham County Board of Supervisors scheduled a public hearing for November 13 on a special use permit request for a new veterinary clinic in the county.

Zoning Administrator Rebecca Cobb advised supervisors of the SUP request by Dr. Bryan Auten to operate the clinic for small and large animals on property located off Route 60 on Route 665 at 809 Twin Creek Road.

According to Cobb, the planning commission held its public hearing on September 24. She said at that time one speaker shared concerns about the business turning into a boarding facility and the visibility along their common property line.

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Responding to the zoning administrator's request that the board schedule its public hearing on the SUP, supervisors set the hearing to coincide with their November meeting, which will begin at 7 p.m., in the auditorium of the new county administration building.

In another zoning matter, Cobb advised that Ian Jackson, of I&J Homebuilders is working with VDOT on the entrance into Tudor Place and an existing road in the housing development, which is located on 120 acres off Route 665, Twin Creek Road. She said he asked that the board hold off on any action on his rezoning request until he can report to the board next month.

Jackson is seeking to rezone the property from A-1, Agricultural, to Residential Planned Unit Development.

JAUNT Report

Brad Sheffield, assistant director for Jaunt, provided the regional transportation system's annual report for FY12.

He noted that Buckingham has two routes, which carry passengers to and from Charlottesville. The early route runs seven days a week; and the second route runs a little later in the day Mondays through Fridays.

Sharing that the Buckingham routes continue to increase in ridership, Sheffield said he has ordered two 28-passenger vehicles to accommodate the demand. He said the larger buses would increase capacity by about four or five seats. The new vehicles should arrive in early 2013, he added.

Explaining Jaunt's funding picture, Sheffield explained that approximately 40 percent of funds come from the localities, about 28 percent from the federal government, and 14 percent from the state.

Talking about the safety awards Jaunt drivers have received, Sheffield stated that Irvin, one of the drivers from Buckingham, earned the title of Driver of the Year at Jaunt.

Supervisor Donnie Bryan said a couple of people have asked about Jaunt putting a stop at Piedmont Virginia Community College.

Supervisor Stish added that she knew of approximately ten home-schooled high school students who were taking PVCC classes and might benefit from the service.

Sheffield said he would have the staff look into that possibility. He concluded by thanking the board for its assistance with the program.

Public Comment Segment

A couple who reside in the Centenary area along Route 20 shared their frustration with dealing with smoke from an outdoor woodstove used by a nearby nursery.

Explaining that they have dealt with the smoke since 2005, both talked about health and safety concerns.

“What has to happen for Buckingham to decide to put ordinances on these woodstoves?” questioned the woman. “Does someone have to get hurt?”

She added that they have asked the owner to put up two more stacks so that the smoke might not be a hazard to the highway.

Noting that they have contacted the Department of Environmental Quality and other agencies, officials, and legislators, they shared that they are hoping the county might be able to help with a solution.

Supervisor Talbert suggested looking into it as a business and agreed that the owner could add more stacks to the woodstove's chimney to help address the problem.

Zoning Administrator Cobb noted that DEQ would only check on whether they are burning anything other than wood. She added that the owner's use of wet wood creates more smoke.

Supervisor Stish assured the couple that she would look into the situation.

VDOT Road Matters

Although VDOT's Kevin Wright was not at the meeting, Supervisor Stish shared that she had received a letter from one of her constituents regarding concerns about 601, Jerusalem Church Road, from Manteo toward the intersection of Woodland Church Road, 604.

Explaining that she has also received calls and comments from others about the same issue, Stish said the concern focuses on the narrow road, which does not have painted lines.

“It might be useful to at least continue the road painting all the way through to Yogaville,” said Stish. She added, “And, I'd like for VDOT to take a look at whether or not guardrails on some of the curves, especially with the absence of the trees on that steep slope, might be useful.”


Supervisor Chambers nominated David Diggs to the board of assessors.

Appointees to the board of equalization included Louise C. Davis, nominated by Supervisor John Staton; and Kathy Lightfoot, nominated by Vice Chairman Allen.

The full board concurred with all of these appointments.

Supervisors appointed Stish as their voting representative for the annual meeting of the Virginia Association of Counties.

Administrator's Report

During her report to the board, Carter announced that Kevin Flippen, E-911 coordinator, received a certificate of achievement for completion of the Advanced Professional Series through the Emergency Management Institute. The certificate acknowledges, “Flippen has reaffirmed through completion of the Advanced Professional Series a commitment to Standards of Excellence in Disaster Operations Skills.”

Carter advised supervisors of an emergency meeting between county administrators from participating counties and officials of the Piedmont Regional Jail

According to Carter, the PRJ is experiencing decreasing revenues. She explained that the counties have been paying approximately $1.10 per day per inmate.

“We've gotten a good deal. And actually up until this past year, we've been reimbursed that money,” stated Carter. “But now they are in a position where they cannot reimburse that money.”

Carter shared that the county administrators have asked for a meeting with Robert Huff, of Robinson, Farmer, Cox, to talk about a financial plan regarding what each locality will have to do. She said Huff would be looking at the best way to ascertain what the per diem would be for the participating localities and what the jail needs to do.

With PJR's monthly expenditures exceeding revenues, Carter said her advice if the county budget encountered a similar scenario would be to bring the revenues within the expenditures.

Although Carter said the PJR currently has approximately $500,000 in a money market account, she reminded that there is always the possibility that a capital expense such as a new HVAC system could be needed.

She said they would also look at whether it pays to take in inmates from non-participating counties. Carter concluded by telling supervisors that she would continue to keep them up-to-date as information becomes available.


Commenting on the recent sheriff's office auction, Talbert, who served as auctioneer, expressed his appreciation for the cooperation of the sheriff and the two investigators that were in charge of the auction. Talbert, who donated his services, said the auction brought in $16,299.

County Administrator Carter announced that the November meeting would be held on November 13, the second Tuesday of the month rather than the usual Monday meeting. She explained the change is necessary because of a conflict with the annual Virginia Association of Counties Conference.

In Other Board News

Supervisors unanimously concurred with a request from Jennifer Ligon, extension agent, to change the resolution for the Buckingham Agricultural Resource Network project, B.A.R.N., to reflect increasing the application for funding through the Virginia Tobacco Indemnification and Community Revitalization Commission from the current wording of “up to $500,000” to “up to $600,000.”

In her letter, Ligon explained that final budget estimates for the project necessitated the change.

The county administrator provided supervisors with copies of the new Virginia Retreat brochure and explained that Kristen Queen, assistant director of recreation for the county, wanted to present the board with the brochures but could not attend the meeting due to her work schedule.

Carter shared that Queen provided input into the brochure, which includes 13 images of Buckingham County. “My hat is off to Kristen for all her input in working with this,” stated Carter.