Published 4:09 pm Thursday, February 16, 2012
In execution of a Deed of Trust in the original principal amount of $72,000.00, with an annual interest rate of 1.6000% from Rosa Lee Burke dated December 27, 2007, recorded among the land records of the Circuit Court for the County of Buckingham as Deed Book/Instrument Number 354 AT PAGE 846, the undersigned appointed Substitute Trustee will offer for sale at public auction in the County of Buckingham, on the courthouse steps at the front of the Circuit Court building for the County of Buckingham located on Highway 60, Buckingham, Virginia on April 9, 2012 at 1:45 PM, the property with improvements to wit:
All of that certain tract or parcel of land situated in Marshall Magisterial District of Buckingham County, Virginia, containing two (2) acres, more or less, bounded on the north by Virginia Secondary Highway No. 671, on the east by the lands of Herman and Frances Eldridge, on the south and west by the lands of Continental Can Company, said lands fronting on said highway for a distance of about 50 yards, the corners being marked by iron pipes, and extending back along parallel lines to the lands of Continental Can Company, being in all respects a portion of the lands which were conveyed unto the said Leslie Banks and Marjorie J. Banks from Ella Banks Mills et als, by deed dated September 6, 1957, of record in the office of the Clerk of the Circuit Court of Buckingham County in Deed Book 66, page 104. The lands hereby conveyed are a portion of those lands listed on the 1959 land book in the names of Leslie and Marjorie J. Banks as 5 acres and therein described as 2-1/2 mi. E. of Diana Mills. Less and except all that certain strip or parcel of land conveyed to the Commonwealth of VA in Deed Book 115, Page 742, and subject to that Boundary line agreement recorded at Deed Book 284, Page 008.
AND further described in the above Deed of Trust. (Tax Map No. 52-21)
TERMS OF SALE: ALL CASH. A bidder's deposit of $7,200.00 or 10% of the sale price, whichever is lower, will be required in cash, certified or cashier's check. Settlement within fifteen (15) days of sale, otherwise Trustees may forfeit deposit. Additional terms to be announced at sale. Loan type: FHA. Trustee's File No. 11-224469.
PROFESSIONAL FORECLOSURE CORPORATION OF VIRGINIA, Substitute Trustees, C/O SHAPIRO & BURSON, LLP, 236 Clearfield Avenue, Suite 215, Virginia Beach, Virginia 23462 (757) 687-8777.