Sailor' Creek Lee-Jackson Day Program:
Published 2:55 pm Tuesday, January 3, 2012
Robert E. Lee, faced a dilemma during the last days of the Civil War in Virginia: does he stop and feed his troops to sustain them on their desperate march away from Petersburg-Richmond or does he “press on” straining the endurance of his army to avoid battle?
On January 13, Lee-Jackson Day, Sailor's Creek Battlefield Historical State Park will feature a special program talk “Gen. Robert E. Lee's key decisions of the Appomattox Campaign,” by Chief Ranger for Interpretation, Sam Wilson Jr. The special program will be held at the park's visitor center, 6514 Sayler's Creek Road, Rice, 2 to 4 p.m.
Wilson will focus his talk on Lee's initial plan following the evacuation of his army from the Petersburg-Richmond siege lines He will describe Lee's subsequent critical decisions, as his plan began to fall apart, that led to the fateful Battles of Sailor's Creek.
An open discussion period for questions and answers will follow the talk The public is invited to bring lounge chairs to use in the exhibit hall where the talk will be held.
The program is open to the public at large and is free. It is most suitable for adults and older children.