“It's Easy Being Green” Series At Holliday Lake

Published 3:42 pm Thursday, July 11, 2013

Holliday Lake State Park offers “It’s Easy Being Green” Series programs July 19-20:

Friday July 19: 5 – 6 p.m. – learn about some practical ways to conserve water in your home or at work with special guest Page Hutchinson from Virginia Department of Environmental Quality. You will be able to participate in some fun water conservation activities during the program. Call the park today to reserve your space. This is a free program.

Saturday July 20: 10 a.m. – noon – learn how to become more “environmentally friendly” in terms of wildlife and conservation with special guests Katie Martin from Virginia Department of Game and Inland Fisheries and Bill Plyler former AmeriCorps volunteer. Participants will also enjoy hands-on activities with animal bones, furs, skulls and more. Call the park today to reserve your space. This is a free program.

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The It’s Easy Being Green Series runs from April to October. Each program will give a better understanding of how to help keep the environment a healthy place for the people around you and local wildlife. Some programs in this series may require a small fee for materials. Since protecting the environment involves the whole family, feel free to bring the kids (kids under age 15 must be accompanied by an adult). Those who come to five out of seven programs in this series will receive a choice of a one-hour boat rental or a guided canoe tour free.

For additional information or to sign up, contact the park office at 434-248-6308 or email hollidaylake@dcr.virginia.gov