William Payne: A discussion of communism in America

Published 12:30 pm Wednesday, September 11, 2024

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As we continue forward in American politics, it seems that the Democrats are increasingly embracing ideas that align with communist principles, even within a short span of time. Vice President Kamala Harris, who is currently running for President, exemplifies this trend. In a speech to Hampton University students, she stated, “If we want equal outcomes, we need to take into account not everybody starts out on the same base, and we have to make adjustments.” The concept of equal outcomes is closely aligned with communist ideals, as outlined in Karl Marx’s Communist Manifesto. One of the core tenets of the Manifesto is the abolition of private property, which Marx argues is necessary to create equal outcomes for all.

Prominent figures like Harris, along with numerous members of Congress, are openly advocating for socialist policies. Socialism, as history has shown, often serves as a stepping stone to communism. The Soviet Union, officially known as the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics (USSR), is a historical example of how socialism can evolve into an authoritarian communist regime.

For instance, Congresswoman Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez and other members of the “Squad,” such as Ilhan Omar and Rashida Tlaib, have openly embraced these policies. Senator Bernie Sanders, who identifies as a democratic socialist, has long championed ideas that align closely with socialist principles. This growing movement within American politics raises concerns about a potential shift toward more centralized government control, reminiscent of past communist regimes.

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Federal programs that expand government control over key sectors of the economy, such as healthcare, education, and housing, could pave the way for more centralized authority, a hallmark of communist regimes. Medicare for All, for example, would bring the entire healthcare system under federal control, reducing competition and limiting individual choice. Similarly, proposals for free college tuition could increase federal influence over educational curricula, potentially stifling academic freedom.

Furthermore, the Green New Deal, another significant policy pushed by progressive lawmakers, calls for massive government intervention in the economy to address climate change. While well-intentioned, such sweeping measures will result in the federal government dictating key aspects of industry, energy production, and even individual behavior, moving society closer to centralized control seen in communist states. As these programs expand, they risk eroding personal freedoms and economic liberties, creating an environment where government power grows unchecked.

In addition to the push for socialist policies, the open border stance adopted by many democrat/socialist lawmakers further threatens the nation’s stability. An open border policy allows unchecked immigration, straining resources, overwhelming public services, and contributing to societal instability. The most concerning aspect is the movement to grant illegal immigrants the right to vote. This could fundamentally alter the electorate, potentially swaying elections in favor of those who support these far-left policies. By diluting the votes of legal citizens, this could erode the principles of democracy and lead toward a system resembling communism.

WILLIAM PAYNE is a college student at PVCC studying Cybersecurity and can be reached at i.willhpayne@gmail.com