School threats linked to old social media post, districts urge caution

Published 6:06 pm Thursday, September 12, 2024

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The social media posts weren’t recent. That’s what investigations by the Buckingham, Cumberland and Prince Edward sheriff’s offices found. Schools in all three counties went on alert for Thursday classes, allowing in some cases absences to be excused if parents felt safer keeping their kids at home. Prince Edward even canceled all after school activities on Thursday, including away games. But it turns out the school threats that triggered all of this weren’t new and hadn’t come from this area. 

“After collaborating with (Cumberland) Sheriff Hodges and his team, it was determined that the post was an older one that had been recirculated,” said Cumberland Schools Superintendent Dr. Chip Jones. “The original post came from outside Cumberland’s jurisdiction.” 

Jones said he and his staff take all threats seriously and had to work with the sheriff’s office to investigate and ensure the safety of the school community. 

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The same was true of the school threats in Buckingham and Prince Edward as well. Officials in each school district acknowledged this had involved a much older social media post. In fact, the same one as Cumberland, one that didn’t originate from this area. Instead, it appears the older social media post was reshared in an online group and residents in all three areas had come across it at different times, each believing that it involved their district. 

Buckingham and Cumberland officials said they appreciated parents letting them know about the situation, but asked people to stop sharing these things on their own social media accounts. 

“We kindly request that anyone who comes across these posts reports them immediately and refrains from reposting them,” Buckingham officials said in a statement. “(Reposting) could spread unnecessary alarm.” 

Jones agreed, saying everyone needs to be careful about what they share online. 

Social media is a powerful tool, and it’s essential to have ongoing discussions about how it can influence us all,” Jones said. 

Investigation into school threats continues 

Now just because the post in each case was old, officials with the Virginia Department of Criminal Justice Services has opened an investigation, both into the posts and the timing. It strikes multiple law enforcement officials as odd that all three districts were affected, not even two days after similar situations happened in other parts of the Commonwealth and other areas of the country. 

As for the three school districts in our area, it’s back to business as usual on Friday, with a couple changes in places. For Buckingham, Director of Student Services Melissa Hanes said the district will continue to have a visible police presence at all schools on Friday. In their statement, district officials also pointed out another permanent upgrade in security. 
“Additionally, we have enhanced weapon detectors at both our middle and high schools to further protect our students and staff,” district staff said in the statement.   

Prince Edward officials, meanwhile, said they looked forward to welcoming students back to the classroom on Friday. They encouraged families to discuss the situation and remind students to share any concerns they might have. 

“In today’s social media age, it’s important to stay aware of its influence,” district officials said in a statement posted to their Facebook page. 

As for Thursday, after school activities went on as normal for Buckingham and Cumberland schools. Prince Edward officials had earlier made the decision to cancel all after school activities, out of caution.