Letter to the Editor: Where are all these landfill problems?

Published 12:12 am Tuesday, August 27, 2024

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Let’s talk about the landfill and its issues. I subscribe to this small town newspaper and appreciate its fair and equal treatment of local issues. It was a pleasure to see the story with the current supervisors response to the very strong tone some residents took to what they feel is a lack of interest in this proposed MEGA landfill. Living in Cumberland 10 years and Powhatan 29, I have yet to see all these terrible predictions of poison wells, devastating health issues, and terrible violations reported by any news media about the large, (maybe mega) landfill in Amelia. It has a railroad siding and I’m pretty sure takes out of state trash by railcar. 

I believe it is the only active siding on the Norfolk Southern tracks between Richmond and Burkeville. Maybe these terrible issues have just been covered up or maybe they don’t exist. Maybe the proposed Loves truck stop in Goochland at 522 and Interstate 64 that has drawn opposition is a really terrible thing. Maybe the signs in other counties against industrial solar or mega technology developments are terrible things also. I really don’t know the answers, but if rural character is a Walmart, Starbucks, two Food Lions, four auto part stores and two new car washes like Powhatan has, I’ll take the MEGA landfill and the Amish buggies. 

Personally I was very disappointed that Tyson left the area, because I really liked buying chicken manure from a local farmer to put on my garden. This country is 34 trillion dollars in debt, so jobs and tax dollars are a plus. 

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I don’t think anyone inside the Washington beltway cares what my grandchildren will face in the future. 

William Frame