Letter to the Editor: We want a clear resolution with STEPS

Published 12:20 am Tuesday, August 27, 2024

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In response to Thomas Babbage’s letter, “There’s No Point in Fussing and Fighting,” we acknowledge several valid points he raised. Specifically, we agree with his assessment of STEPS’ past issues, such as the problematic rollout of the Israel Hill project and the mismanagement of Madeline’s House. These concerns highlight why we are wary of STEPS handling a project of this scale on our block. Even if the initial phase is successful, we fear future mismanagement could leave Layne Street grappling with a deteriorating building and a crisis-stricken community. Such consequences would extend beyond Layne Street, impacting the entire Town of Farmville.

Where we diverge is in Mr. Babbage’s assertion that we should cease our objections because he predicts that these issues won’t materialize. It is important to remember that predicting the future with certainty is beyond anyone’s capability. Historical patterns show that inept organizations can occasionally achieve success despite their flaws. Our concerns remain valid until STEPS formally announces they will not proceed with the project, or until a different buyer acquires the property.

Moreover, we find Mr. Babbage’s approach—characterized by insults and disparaging remarks—unproductive. While we could respond in kind, we prefer to maintain a respectful and constructive dialogue. His tone undermines his arguments and does not contribute to a meaningful discussion. We believe in addressing disagreements with civility and encourage Mr. Babbage to do the same.

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We remain committed to voicing our concerns until a clear resolution is reached. We respect everyone’s right to their opinions and welcome constructive debate. We hope future discussions will be conducted respectfully, allowing us to engage seriously with the issues at hand.

It has been 67 days that Shawn Rozier has refused to talk with Farmville residents.

Carol Anderson
Leslie Forsythe
Sarah Fitzgerald
on behalf of the Layne Street Coalition