Letter to the Editor: I’ve made my decision

Published 12:07 am Friday, August 30, 2024

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At the age of seventy-four, I can easily say that the coming election this November is the most significant of my lifetime. We are engaged in a contest that will decide whether or not America remains a true democracy or devolves into a mindless dictatorship which enhances the power and wealth of a very small percent of us by deceiving and exploiting our struggling middle class.

The Republican candidates and their Project 2025 agenda are intent on dismantling our freedoms and our protections from corporate greed. 

Their presidential candidate is a simple minded, narcissistic liar who excites and preys upon fear, hatred and xenophobia. He gives frustrated people a false target for their discomfort and permission and encouragement to hate.

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America, we are better than this. The Democratic ticket, Kamala Harris, Tim Walz, Tim Kaine and Gloria Witt offer sanity, compassion, honesty, integrity and unity. The choice could not be clearer and could not be more compelling. If we are to continue as the champions of Democracy throughout the world then we must champion Democracy here at home. We must preserve our freedoms.

The current excitement around the possibility of the first – first woman president, first Asian American, etc. are to me inspiring but are not in the least why I am supporting her candidacy. Kamala Harris is not just the first, she is the best. She is best qualified to lead an intelligent, compassionate, well organized, government that will provide tax relief to those who need and deserve it. She is the best qualified to address our national need for affordable health care for all. She is the best qualified to protect our planet from pollution and the disastrous effects of climate change, and so much more. She will accomplish this while abiding by the law and upholding our constitution. It is time for us all to abandon fear and hatred and to embrace hope and joy in the possibility of a civil, compassionate, caring America once again.

Frank Howe