Letter to the Editor: It’s about Hope, Healing

Published 12:39 am Friday, August 30, 2024

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Hope. Healing. Hope, 2.0

We, the people of VA05, are entering a new era. To quote our former First Lady Michelle Obama, ‘Hope is making a comeback!’ To my family, friends, fellow residents of the best region of the Commonwealth, I write to you with a feeling of excitement we haven’t witnessed in some time.

I love Virginia and southside is part of my DNA – I’ll always believe in our potential and growth. Now as our district and America changes, we see citizens uniting in the name of democracy and loyalty to country rather than one person’s allegiance to self. This great experiment, these United States deserves respect, equality, justice, compassion, and yes, freedom.

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Join me in supporting Vice President Kamala Harris and Governor Tim Walz for the top of the ticket on Election Day. Let’s learn more about Gloria Witt and her plans for our congressional district and send Tim Kaine back to the senate. This vote is about democracy, not just one person or party; it is about protecting and restoring the principles that so many of us hold dear.

I would be remiss if I didn’t show appreciation to President Joe Biden for his leadership. 

Tuesday, November 5 is just around the corner. Hold on to the joy. Let’s reclaim the term ‘patriotism’ and show America our new district is just as inclusive, vibrant, and strong. We’re going to move Virginia forward to victory!

Ebony Guy