Tommy Wright: Saturday was a watershed moment

Published 10:00 am Sunday, July 21, 2024

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The attempted assassination of former President Trump sent a shock through American politics at every level. The cowardly attack infused a massive amount of anger and fear into an already fraught situation.

Saturday was a watershed moment in American history. For the first time in a generation, someone attempted to kill a Presidential candidate.

The gunman nearly succeeded. If President Trump did not move his head at that exact instant, he would have been dead, and our country would be in a much darker place today. We don’t know if the would-be assassin was a dedicated leftist, a radicalized Internet troll, or someone who was deeply mentally ill.

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Confirmed reports state the shooter was a registered Republican who had donated to Act Blue. He had no known criminal record. We will learn more as time goes on.

What is clear is that this was a destabilizing event in an environment that was already highly charged. This is the first serious assassination attempt on a President or candidate since 1981, in one of the most contentious election cycles in American history.

We know that Democratic rhetoric has been hyperbolic for far too long. Calling President Trump a threat to the U.S., a danger to democracy, or a tyrant in waiting is dangerous.

Any efforts to remove or limit Secret Service protection for President Trump would be reckless and irresponsible. 

Nonetheless both President Trump and former First Lady Melania have called for Americans to unite around this event and not give in to fear and anger.

That doesn’t mean Democrats get a free pass for their incendiary rhetoric. Far from it. When the left crosses the line, we have an obligation to call it out.

When the press says Republicans need to cool down our rhetoric, we have an obligation to point out that it was the left fanning the flames for 8 years.

Most importantly, we have an obligation to keep fighting.

The left wants Republicans cowed in fear. We cannot and will not let this or any other act keep us from working day and night to end the damage done by the left.

We will keep fighting. We will keep working. Our children and grandchildren deserve no less. 

Our prayers are with those killed and injured during the attempted assassination of President Trump.

Gold Star Families

After weeks of pressure and anger from Gold Star families, disabled veterans, and first responders, Senate Democrats finally agreed to pass a clean repeal of changes to the Virginia Military Survivors and Dependents Education Program.

Senate Democrats finally backed down after being blasted for holding two sessions — each of which cost taxpayers $50,000 or so — without taking any action.

We will reconvene on Thursday to consider a new bill that will repeal the changes and set aside an additional $90 million to cover the cost of the program for colleges and universities.

Republicans were clear from the moment we saw this language in the May budget agreement: clean repeal with future reform was the only way to solve this problem.

Even House Democrats agreed. Clean repeal passed the House 92-0.

Democrat holdout said the program was unsustainable without changes, even though colleges get billions of dollars in funding from the Commonwealth.

This program was already paid for with the bravery and sacrifices of those who gave their lives for our Commonwealth and country. House Republicans have always and will continue to stand with those who have given the last full measure of devotion.

Del. Tommy Wright can be reached via email at or (804) 698-1061.