Letter: In some cases, the ‘lie’ wasn’t really a lie

Published 12:05 pm Wednesday, July 10, 2024

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Dear Editor,

For a few years now, it’s been painfully obvious that Joe Biden has been in a progressive mental decline. When special council Hur conducted a meeting with Biden checking out Biden’s mental capacity and if charges should be levied against Biden for having classified documents for over 10 years, Hur said no charges would be filed because no jury would convict this befuddled old man. Is this the new standard for everyone – dropping charges for back dated crimes if it’s determined the accused is senile? In this case however, the senile Biden was determined too far gone to be charged but, perfectly ok to campaign for the office of president ! Is this really America’s new system of justice ? No, it’s the obvious double standard for the well connected.

When the Republicans asked for a copy of the recording of Hur’s interview with Biden, no recording has been or will be forthcoming. But, hasn’t this been the case of Biden’s entire term in office? Biden skirts the press at every turn. When he does do a press conference, Biden has note cards from his handlers with very simplistic instructions as if written for a child in the first grade.

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The ducking and dodging of Biden hiding at every turn started when he campaigned before the 2020 election staying in his basement most of the time. There were forces behind the curtain at play to get Biden elected without him taking part of the process. Biden won the 2020 election based on the number of votes but, there was a codray of conspirators at work to get those votes -namely the FBI, CIA, DOJ, IRS, DNC, big tech and the mainstream media. They were and are a united front that pulled Biden over the finish line to make Biden president but, mainly to defeat Trump. Some of us can hate Trump all we want but, his presence has highlighted and confirmed that DC is indeed a swamp that extends far and wide. If anyone isn’t a part of the swamp culture, the creatures therein will unite to eliminate anyone who threatens the intoxicating flow of money and power that members of the swamp so enjoy.

This Biden/Trump debate has put focus on how Biden’s handlers behind the scene can’t always be the absolute puppet masters to control every utterance that proceeds from Biden’s mouth. The debate proved Biden can’t stand on his own two legs … literally and figuratively. The hidden forces that have been propping up Biden to this point – making the whole of America dangerously vulnerable by advancing an obviously weak and compromised president have clearly demonstrated they put party perks and privileges before the safety and security of country.

Karl Schmidt

Prince Edward