Cumberland FFA names new officers

Published 8:18 am Friday, May 24, 2024

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As one school year ends, work already starts on the next. On Wednesday, May 22, Cumberland High’s Future Farmers of America chapter announced their officers for the 2024-25 school year. 

“Change is inevitable and as the sun sets on one day it rises again in the morning for the next,” said FFA Advisor Josh Fleenor. “Therefore we should see change as not the end but rather a beginning. The rising sun is a promise, promise of a new day, a new day ripened with possibilities, opportunities, and growth. So as the sun sets on the 2023-2024 school year we say goodbye to our seniors as they go build their lives and we say “see you later” to the rest of our students.”

Fleenor also applauded the 2023-24 Officer Team, saying thank you to Madilyn Adkins, Kaitlynne Kelsey, Savannah Skeens, Tucker Bowman, William Fleenor, Austin Cox, Miss Five County Fair Johnna Stevens and Baylie Robison. 

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“You all served our chapter well and it was a pleasure getting the opportunity to work with each one of you and grow agriculture at Cumberland High School,” Fleenor said. “But as we say goodbye to the setting sun of the 23-24 school year, we rise with the promise of a new day for 24-25 and the installation of our newest officer team.” 

The new officers include President Baylie Robison, Vice President Ryan Elder, Student Advisor Kaitlynne Kelsey, Secretary Tucker Bowman, Treasurer Savannah Skeens, Sentinel William Fleenor, Reporter/Historian Madilyn Adkins and Chaplain Shawn Price.