Letter to the Editor: Let’s stop littering

Published 6:24 pm Friday, November 17, 2023

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Dear Editor, 

I am part of the “What’s Happening in Farmville’ group on Facebook. The other day, a person made a post about how he came back home from North Carolina and said how well their highways were maintained. He added that coming back home to Farmville was a stark difference, especially on Prince Edward Highway. 

He mentioned how he saw a lot of trash on the side of the road and how it is reflecting poorly on the community. I wholeheartedly agree. We need to certainly do better in that regard. I think law enforcement could also do a better job in enforcing the litter laws that have been on the books for years and years. I think the County Board could also do a better job in getting VDOT to maintain the highway better. Most importantly, people could do better by not littering in the first place. 

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Jacob Allen 
