Chamber names Business of the Month

Published 3:02 pm Friday, July 21, 2023

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The Dillwyn Dairy Freeze has been named the July Business of the Month by the Buckingham Chamber of Commerce. “This longtime favorite is a great place to enjoy a sundae or a milkshake and run into old friends. Owner Margaret Vance has kept the tradition going for many years,” Chamber officials said in a statement. Pictured are, from left, back row, Patricia Hanley, Nicole Spradley, Jazlin Companion, Hannah Davis, Amanda Booker; front row, Carolyn Martin, Hallie Witt, Tracy Harris, Doris Foglio, Jessica Myers (Assistant Manager), Margaret Vance, Emily Myers; Chamber members and directors: Fred Vance, Chamber Members Duval Shumaker, Justin Midkiff, Chamber Vice President Brother Max Watner, Eddie Slagle, Faye Shumaker, Ruth Lyle, and Sandra Moss. Not pictured are Dairy Freeze Employees Mary Lee Dunkum, Rachel Reeves, Krystal O’Bryant, Haley O’Bryant and Charlotte Espinsa.

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