Letter — Not a symbol of hate

Published 6:03 pm Friday, April 22, 2022

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To the Editor:

I would like to respond to the letter in the Friday, April 8, edition of The Farmville Herald entitled “No room for hate in Farmville.”

I too came to Farmville in 1959 to attend Longwood College. When I arrived it was in the midst of the Civil Rights Movement. Sixty years later I am still a resident of Farmville, married a local man, have made my home here, and raised my children here. My home resides on land that was part of the Civil War and I take great pride on living on hallowed land. For those who are opposed to the Confederate flag and Confederate soldier statue, which was removed and relocated in the Confederate cemetery, they really don’t understand the meaning behind the Civil war. It wasn’t all about slavery. That is only half of the issue. It was a clash of economic interests of the North and South. Some of our family were lost in the war and we are very proud of the flag and the statues which stand for much more than the “hate” expressed in this letter. My family members fought along side white soldiers, and yes, some black soldiers. There was no hatred between these soldiers as they were fighting for what they believed in. We need to relish our history and learn from it rather than take it down and destroy it. How will our children and grandchildren learn of the trials and sufferings of our ancestors if we destroy all parts of it. I feel the confederate flag, statutes are to be honored as is the Moton Museum. All are a part of our heritage and history. Not symbols of hate.

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Jane and Bill Crawley
