Committee discusses proposed water park
Published 6:30 pm Thursday, December 5, 2019
- Pictured is a drawing of the proposed water park/splash pad design presented by the Piedmont Area Veterans Council.
The Town of Farmville Recreation Committee met on Wednesday, Nov. 20, with members of the Piedmont Area Veterans Council (PAVC) to discuss a proposed splash pad/water park.
Co-Founder and CEO of the PAVC and Vice President Kevin Murphy presented pricing and designs of the proposed 30×30 foot water park that would be located near the Lions Club Playground at the entrance to Wilck’s Lake Park on West Third Street to committee members.
Still in the very infancy steps of planning for the project, Dunn said,
“We are a ‘community partner’ for the counties that we cover. We work with veterans, widows and caregivers, but that also includes their families/children. We are very excited about this project, and working with the Town of Farmville has been amazing as we continue to move forward on gathering information about the splash pad/water park.”
Dunn went on to say, “I had been researching splash parks for several years, and I became very fascinated with their ability to offer ‘safe water play’ that can be interactive for all ages as well as those with mobility-related disabilities.”
The design presented to the recreation committee totaled just over $41,000, and according to Dunn, PAVC will take the lead on engaging community partners to support the project. “We will also seek any grant funding opportunities,” she said.
The plans that Murphy and Dunn presented called for several water spray components and a large dump water bucket. “This is probably the most favorite part of the park for the children,” said Murphy.
“We tried to keep the design as simple as we could,” added Dunn.
According to Murphy, PAVC would like to begin fundraising for the project in 2020.
During the meeting, the committee discussed the prospect of the town’s public work employees constructing the facility.
“It’s not a big job. I would think this would take no more than six weeks to complete the construction,” said Murphy.
Recreation Committee Chairman Brian Vincent asked about certain certifications and permits that may be required. “You have health regulations you have to follow, and there will be regular health inspection,” said Dunn. “Then, your water quality has to be tested all the time.”
Following a discussion on the size of the project and the possibility of adding more features, the committee agreed to visit several other water parks/splash pads to gain a better understanding of what they may want to proceed with.
“I think it’s a fun project that we’re all excited about,” said Vincent.